Mon, 07/29/2013 - 18:48
Hello guys!
I have a mesh presentation MeshVS_Mesh. With the MeshVS_Drawer I can display the whole mesh by using SetBoolean(MeshVS_DA_ShowEdges,Standard_True). Is there any possibility to just show the edges at mesh boundaries (like a outline)?
Fri, 01/03/2014 - 14:29
This is still a hot topic for me. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this issue?
Tue, 01/07/2014 - 21:26
Perhaps this snippet helps?
aDS = SMESH_MeshVSLink(mesh)
aMeshVS = MeshVS_Mesh(True)
DMF = 2 # to wrap; 1 is wireframe
MeshVS_BP_Mesh = 5 # To wrap!
aPrsBuilder = MeshVS_MeshPrsBuilder(aMeshVS.GetHandle(),DMF,aDS.GetHandle()) #,0,MeshVS_BP_Mesh)
MeshVS_DMF_HilightPrs = int(0x0400)
MeshVS_DMF_Wireframe = int(0x0001)
MeshVS_DMF_Shading = int(0x0002)
<< shaded >>
aMeshVS.SetDisplayMode(MeshVS_DMF_Shading) # 1 -> wireframe, 2 -> shaded
<< wireframe >>
# aMeshVS.SetDisplayMode(MeshVS_DMF_Wireframe) # 1 -> wireframe, 2 -> shaded
Tue, 01/07/2014 - 21:30
-> SetBoolean(MeshVS_DA_ShowEdges,Standard_True)
Yikes, I didnt read very careful...
Wed, 01/08/2014 - 15:22
Yes, that's my problem. I don't want to see the whole mesh in wireframe, just the boundaries.
Wed, 01/08/2014 - 17:25
Hi Alex,
I think this is not possible with SMESH_MeshVSLink out of
the box. I was looking for such a feature (but couldn't find it)
because displaying volume meshes with lot's of tetrahedra can become
painfully slow when displaying all the triangular faces.
I basically ended up re-implementing SMESH_MeshVSLink sorting out
the boundary triangles myself. I would be happy to share this
code in case you are interested.
Wed, 01/08/2014 - 17:34
Hi Mark.
Thank you for your reply! I would be very thankful if you could share your code with me.
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 03:26
Hi Alex,
attached you'll find my improved version of MeshVSLink.
You can use it something along the lines of this:
(note that by default it will display all elements in MeshVS_DMF_WireFrame/MeshVS_DMF_Shrink
and only boundary triangles in MeshVS_DMF_Shading, but this should be easy to change)
displaymode=1 # 0:MeshVS_DMF_Shading, 1:MeshVS_DMF_WireFrame, 2:MeshVS_DMF_Shrink
submesh = mesh.GetSubMesh(shape)
smoothshading = False
meshvslink = SMESH_MeshVSLink2(mesh, submesh, displaymode, smoothshading)
ais_shape = MeshVS_Mesh(True) # MeshVS_Mesh is derived from AIS_Shape
DMF = 0x0400 | 0x0200 | MeshVS_DMF_WireFrame | MeshVS_DMF_Shading # display mode flags
MeshVS_BP_Mesh = 5
aPrsBuilder = MeshVS_MeshPrsBuilder(ais_shape.GetHandle(),DMF, meshvslink.GetHandle(),0,MeshVS_BP_Mesh)
mesh_drawer = self._ais_shape.GetDrawer().GetObject()
# in shaded display mode when displaying volume grids inner faces are hidden to speed up display
# performance, therefore we need to call GetHiddenNodes/GetHiddenElements here
# (see SMESH_MeshVSLink2 implementation for details)
cutplane = 0 # 0: not active, 1:X, 2:Y, 3:Z, 4:-X, 5:-Y, 6:-Z
cutplane_value = 0.0
hiddennodes_h = TColStd_HPackedMapOfInteger()
hiddenelems_h = TColStd_HPackedMapOfInteger()
meshvslink.GetHiddenNodes(cutplane, cutplane_value, hiddennodes_h.Map())
meshvslink.GetHiddenElements(cutplane, cutplane_value, hiddenelems_h.Map())
ais_shape.SetHiddenNodes( hiddennodes_h.GetHandle() )
ais_shape.SetHiddenElems( hiddenelems_h.GetHandle() )
Let me know if you have any issues with this,
Thu, 01/09/2014 - 14:20
Thank you very much for your code. So far I used XSDRAWSTLVRML_DataSource as DataSource aDS. So I guess I have to get the SALOME Mesh first of all, to get your example working.
I will get back to you when I was successful with that.