Hello World Thu, 05/21/2020 - 09:33 Forums: Draw Harness and SamplesI used "meshtext”command in Draw, doesn't it work? Are there special requirements for this command " Exampe: pload ALL vinit meshfromstl m *.stl vsetdispmode m 2 meshtext m Kirill Gavrilov Fri, 05/22/2020 - 22:37 Probably you need using another display mode. pload VISUALIZATION XSDRAW vinit View1 meshfromstl m [locate_data_file shape.stl] vfit meshtext m vsetdispmode m 34 Log in to post comments Hello World Sun, 05/24/2020 - 16:43 Dear ! Thank you very much for your reply! The method you provided is valid in draw. I tried to add the import STL file function to the ImportExoprt (in Examples) project,implemented it through MeshVS_Mesh. How do I make the nodes selectable, how do I get the nodes that the user chooses Best! void CImportExport::ReadSTL(const Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& anInteractiveContext) { //Handle(MeshVS_Mesh) aMeshVS_Mesh; //CImportExport::ReadSTL(aMeshVS_Mesh); //anInteractiveContext->Display(aMeshVS_Mesh,true); //anInteractiveContext->UpdateCurrentViewer(); CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, L"STL Files (*.stl)|*.stl; *.stl|All Files (*.*)|*.*||", NULL); CString SHAREPATHValue; SHAREPATHValue.GetEnvironmentVariable(L"CSF_OCCTDataPath"); CString initdir = (SHAREPATHValue + "\\stl"); dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = initdir; if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_WAIT)); TCollection_AsciiString aFileName((const wchar_t*)dlg.GetPathName()); const Handle_Poly_Triangulation aSTLMesh = RWStl::ReadFile( OSD_Path(aFileName)); Handle(XSDRAWSTLVRML_DataSource) aDS = new XSDRAWSTLVRML_DataSource(aSTLMesh); Handle(MeshVS_Mesh) aMesh = new MeshVS_Mesh(); aMesh->SetDataSource(aDS); aMesh->SetDisplayMode(MeshVS_DMF_Shading); aMesh->AddBuilder(new MeshVS_MeshPrsBuilder(aMesh.operator->()), Standard_True); Quantity_Color cor = Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_BLUE1); // Prepare triangle labels MeshVS_DataMapOfIntegerAsciiString aLabels; Standard_Integer aLen = aMesh->GetDataSource()->GetAllElements().Extent(); for (Standard_Integer anIndex = 1; anIndex <= aLen; anIndex++) { aLabels.Bind(anIndex, TCollection_AsciiString(anIndex)); } Handle(MeshVS_TextPrsBuilder) aTextBuilder = new MeshVS_TextPrsBuilder(aMesh.operator->(), 20., Quantity_NOC_YELLOW, MeshVS_DMF_TextDataPrs,aDS); aTextBuilder->SetTexts(Standard_True, aLabels); aMesh->AddBuilder(aTextBuilder); aMesh->GetDrawer()->SetColor(MeshVS_DA_EdgeColor, Quantity_NOC_YELLOW); // Hide all nodes by default Handle(TColStd_HPackedMapOfInteger) aNodes = new TColStd_HPackedMapOfInteger(); Standard_Integer aNodeLen = aSTLMesh->Nodes().Length(); for (Standard_Integer anIndex = 1; anIndex <= aNodeLen; anIndex++) aNodes->ChangeMap().Add(anIndex); //aMesh->SetHiddenNodes(aNodes); aMesh->SetSelectableNodes(aNodes); aMesh->SetMeshSelMethod(MeshVS_MSM_NODES); AIS_SelectionModesConcurrency aSelModeConcurrency = AIS_SelectionModesConcurrency_Multiple; //anInteractiveContext->SetSelectionModeActive(aMesh, 8, 1, aSelModeConcurrency); //anInteractiveContext->SetSelectionModeActive(aMesh, 0, 0, aSelModeConcurrency); anInteractiveContext->SetSelectionModeActive(aMesh, 1, 1, aSelModeConcurrency); anInteractiveContext->Display(aMesh,true); ////Display Text Object //for (Standard_Integer anIndex = 1; anIndex <= aNodeLen; anIndex++) //{ // TCollection_AsciiString string; // string = anIndex ; // Handle(AIS_TextLabel) aLabel = new AIS_TextLabel(); // aLabel->SetText(string); // aLabel->SetPosition(aSTLMesh->Node(anIndex)); // anInteractiveContext->Display(aLabel,false); //} // anInteractiveContext->SetDisplayMode((Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject))aMesh, 1,1); anInteractiveContext->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW)); } Log in to post comments Kirill Gavrilov Wed, 05/27/2020 - 01:07 In Draw, it is just vselmode m 1 1 and vstate to see selection state. pload VISUALIZATION XSDRAW vinit View1 meshfromstl m [locate_data_file shape.stl] vfit meshtext m vsetdispmode m 34 #vselmode m 8 1 vselmode m 1 1 vselect 0 0 200 200 vstate -entities Log in to post comments
Fri, 05/22/2020 - 22:37
Probably you need using another display mode.
Sun, 05/24/2020 - 16:43
Dear !
Thank you very much for your reply!
The method you provided is valid in draw.
I tried to add the import STL file function to the ImportExoprt (in Examples) project,implemented it through MeshVS_Mesh.
How do I make the nodes selectable, how do I get the nodes that the user chooses
void CImportExport::ReadSTL(const Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& anInteractiveContext)
//Handle(MeshVS_Mesh) aMeshVS_Mesh;
CFileDialog dlg(TRUE,
L"STL Files (*.stl)|*.stl; *.stl|All Files (*.*)|*.*||",
CString initdir = (SHAREPATHValue + "\\stl");
dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = initdir;
if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
TCollection_AsciiString aFileName((const wchar_t*)dlg.GetPathName());
const Handle_Poly_Triangulation aSTLMesh = RWStl::ReadFile(
Handle(XSDRAWSTLVRML_DataSource) aDS = new XSDRAWSTLVRML_DataSource(aSTLMesh);
Handle(MeshVS_Mesh) aMesh = new MeshVS_Mesh();
aMesh->AddBuilder(new MeshVS_MeshPrsBuilder(aMesh.operator->()), Standard_True);
Quantity_Color cor = Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_BLUE1);
// Prepare triangle labels
MeshVS_DataMapOfIntegerAsciiString aLabels;
Standard_Integer aLen = aMesh->GetDataSource()->GetAllElements().Extent();
for (Standard_Integer anIndex = 1; anIndex <= aLen; anIndex++)
aLabels.Bind(anIndex, TCollection_AsciiString(anIndex));
Handle(MeshVS_TextPrsBuilder) aTextBuilder = new MeshVS_TextPrsBuilder(aMesh.operator->(), 20., Quantity_NOC_YELLOW, MeshVS_DMF_TextDataPrs,aDS);
aTextBuilder->SetTexts(Standard_True, aLabels);
aMesh->GetDrawer()->SetColor(MeshVS_DA_EdgeColor, Quantity_NOC_YELLOW);
// Hide all nodes by default
Handle(TColStd_HPackedMapOfInteger) aNodes = new TColStd_HPackedMapOfInteger();
Standard_Integer aNodeLen = aSTLMesh->Nodes().Length();
for (Standard_Integer anIndex = 1; anIndex <= aNodeLen; anIndex++)
AIS_SelectionModesConcurrency aSelModeConcurrency = AIS_SelectionModesConcurrency_Multiple;
//anInteractiveContext->SetSelectionModeActive(aMesh, 8, 1, aSelModeConcurrency);
//anInteractiveContext->SetSelectionModeActive(aMesh, 0, 0, aSelModeConcurrency);
anInteractiveContext->SetSelectionModeActive(aMesh, 1, 1, aSelModeConcurrency);
////Display Text Object
//for (Standard_Integer anIndex = 1; anIndex <= aNodeLen; anIndex++)
// TCollection_AsciiString string;
// string = anIndex ;
// Handle(AIS_TextLabel) aLabel = new AIS_TextLabel();
// aLabel->SetText(string);
// aLabel->SetPosition(aSTLMesh->Node(anIndex));
// anInteractiveContext->Display(aLabel,false);
anInteractiveContext->SetDisplayMode((Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject))aMesh, 1,1);
Wed, 05/27/2020 - 01:07
In Draw, it is just vselmode m 1 1 and vstate to see selection state.