Multi-secions surface in OCC

Hello guys!

I want to build a surface through a couple of guide curves (green ones in picture) and section curves (red ones in picture). For those who are fimiliar with CATIA, there it is called Multi-sections surface. I looked through the BRepOffsetAPI package, but didn't find a class which satisfies my needs. For example BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections takes a couple of sections, but no guide curves. BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell takes a couple of profile curves, but only ONE spine.

Is there a way to do that in OCC? Thanks in advance!


Sharjith Naramparambath's picture
Alexander Luger's picture

Hello Sharjith,

thank you for your response. Actually I need two sections and TWO guide curves (spines) between these sections. BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell supports multiple sections but only one spine.


Sharjith Naramparambath's picture

From the documentation, I guess you could set a second spine as an auxiliary spine...

void BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell::SetMode(sonst TopoDS_Wire& AuxiliarySpine,
const Standard_Boolean CurvilinearEquivalence,
const BRepFill_TypeOfContact KeepContact = BRepFill_NoContact)

I haven't tried it though.

Alexander Luger's picture

Thank you very much. I will try this one.

P G's picture

Hello Alexander

Did u try it out ?
How are the results ?

Alexander Luger's picture

Hello PG!

Actually it worked! I was able to build the surface from my attached image with BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell. By using the SetMode function you can add a second spine as Sharjith pointed out.


JiXiang Tsing's picture

Hello Alexander, 

   I have a similar problem about multi section surfaces,my sections are more than two and there are three spines, is there a good function to generate a surface?  

Kimra01's picture

as for my latest discovery, opencascade do not possess such functionality. th eclosest to it was mentioned earlier BRepOffsetAPI_Pipeshell. However the meaninig of spine is different form the meaning of guide in opencascade. I tried it with multiple wire sections and an auxiliary spine but tthe result wasn't satisfying. especially if the seaction have a huge differnce in the dimensions.