Fri, 10/19/2012 - 11:41
Dear Contributors,
I am glad to announce that the next maintenance release 6.5.4 of OCCT libraries is planned for the beginning of November.
The goal of this release is to provide a stable version incorporating bug fixes and improvements made since previous release 6.5.3 (more than 200 changes). Other improvements and new features being currently developed will be included in another release to be done before the end of the year (more details will come soon). We consider the current version ready for beta-testing, and invite you to test this version in your applications. If you have reported some issues in Mantis bug tracker, please check those with Verified status -- we assume they are fixed, and will appreciate to see your comments in the notes of the issue.
Please use the commit tagged "V6_5_4_beta1" in the Git master branch for this testing.
If you do not have direct access to the repository, you may download the archive of sources from GitWeb (just click on the "snapshot" link).
The users who are not ready to build from bare sources with WOK can use the complete source archive or Windows installer.
Windows users can also find useful documentation installer and pre-built third-party libraries.
For details on the release, see a draft version of the Release Notes.
Note that the part aimed to help in porting of applications from the previous release to 6.5.4 is still under construction; the changes that will likely cause some porting efforts are removal of Aspect_PixMap class (classes Image_PixMap or Image_AlienPixMap should be used instead) and switch to FTGL 2.1.3 (see the relevant forum thread).
You are welcome with your comments.
Fri, 10/19/2012 - 16:07
Dear OCCT,
I'm happy to see the approaching new release!
Thank you for your efforts.