Fri, 11/08/2013 - 19:46
Dear All,
I am pleased to inform you that OCCT 6.7.0 is ready for beta testing.
We invite you to test this beta version in your applications. If you have reported some issues in bug tracker, please check those with Verified status -- we assume they are fixed, and will appreciate to see your comments in the notes of the issue. If you detect a regression, please report it as soon as possible.
Use the commit tagged "V6_7_0_beta" in the Git repository for this testing. If you do not have direct access to the repository, you may download the archive of sources from GitWeb (just click on the "snapshot" link).
The new version of WOK (6.7.0) is available on the Resources page. Generation of derived C++ files and projects has been improved in this version to be coherent with changes made in OCCT.
The users who are not ready to build from bare sources with WOK can use the complete source archive or installer (on Windows). Note that packaging of these archives has been revised to be more consistent with common practices:
- folder "ros" renamed to "opencascade-6.7.0"
- folder "3rdparty" in Windows installer has been dismounted (these libraries are put now on the same level as "opencascade-6.7.0")
Collection of pre-built third-party libraries has been updated by new versions used by OCCT 6.7.0.
The documentation of OCCT is now available on-line, see http://dev.opencascade.org/doc. On Windows you can also use documentation installer to install documentation locally.
For details on the content of the 6.7.0 release and porting guidelines, see draft Release Notes. Note that the list of included features is slightly different from that has been announced recently:
- Stereo rendering and camera support is excluded (not ready yet)
- Support of Visual Studio 2013 and Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks is added
We are going to publish additional information on new features in this release as separate messages on this forum, please follow and comment. The final release of 6.7.0 should come by the end of November, but the date will also depend on the feedback we obtain from beta testing.
Your feedback is very welcome!
Mon, 11/11/2013 - 14:36
Let's go testing!
Sun, 11/17/2013 - 19:47
I have executed the setup of the 6.7.0 package but it has not set the environment variables (I'm using Windows 8) so when I try to build the CSharp sample it doesn't found the right files. I have tried to run the env.bat but it doesn't set nothing.
I have tried to use the instruction setx CSF_GraphicShr "TKOpenGl.dll" instead of set "CSF_GraphicShr=TKOpenGl.dll" and it works. I have changed some of the variables in the env.bat but I'd wanted to know which are the Environemnt variables to set and which are only local variables.
Could you add the setting of the environment variables in the setup and change the instruction set with setx used in the scripts so it could work even with windows 8?
Mon, 11/18/2013 - 17:29
We have checked on our side and installer seems to work well out of the box on Windows 8.
It is likely that you have not configured your environment properly. Please check that version of Visual Studio (VCVER) and bitness (ARCH) set in the file custom.bat in opencascade-6.7.0 folder correspoond to what you are using. Then run msvc.bat located in sample directory to open Visual Studio with all environment set. Also please note that OCCT installer includes only Release binaries; if you want to build sample in Debug mode you should first build OCCT in Debug (see this thread).
If this does not help, please describe in details your actions and what you obtain.
Please note that neither installer nor env.bat are made to modify global environment settings on your computer. Changing global environment can have adverse effect if you have more than one instance of OCCT (or applications including it) installed on your system. Hence this is avoided; batch scripts that set up environment only for a given session are used instead. Naturally you can use different approach in your application / system, but please consider possible drawbacks before modifying global environment.