Mon, 04/16/2018 - 18:52
We are pleased to inform you that the next release of OCCT, 7.3.0, is ready for beta testing, and invite you to test this beta version in your applications.
Use the commit tagged "V7_3_0_beta" in the Git repository for this testing. Alternatively, you can use either complete source archive or Windows installer including ready-to-use binaries built with VS 2010.
If you have reported some issues in the bug tracker, please check those with Verified status and Target Version set to 7.3.0 -- we assume they are fixed, and will appreciate to see your comments in the notes of the issue.
If you detect a regression, please report it as soon as possible. For details on the content of the 7.3.0 release, see draft Release Notes.
Refer to Upgrade Guide for a list of changes that may need to be accounted for porting existing applications to the new release. Please report in the case if some change that needs to be accounted in porting remained not described in this document.
The final release of 7.3.0 is expected to happen in mid-May.
Your feedback is appreciated! Andrey
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 10:43
Hi Andrey,
gl2ps is still listed in the Pre-requisites section of the Release Notes?
Can't wait trying out defeaturing ;-)
Best regards,
Mon, 04/23/2018 - 09:24
Hello Patrik,
Thank you for comments!
Gl2ps has always been optional, and yes, OCCT still supports using it, as there can be some users that rely on that functionality. This support is scheduled for removal in 7.4.0. Note that binary distribution of OCCT 7.3.0 on Windows will be built without Gl2Ps.
Fri, 02/18/2000 - 14:31
Hello Vlad,
It is true, but I would like to be able to download the debug files and not to take the sources and recompile them by myself.
Fri, 02/18/2000 - 14:47
I agree with you and I shall try to see that with my colleagues for a future release.
Best Regards,
Jean Rahuel (O.C.C. team)
Fri, 02/18/2000 - 14:51
Hi !
I would also like be able to download it with debug information available, I am not very good at the OIPEN Cascade API yet, and when I test code and things doesn't work they way I expect, it would be very nice to be able to debug into the cascade code and see whats going on.
And second, I don't think it's very easy to recompile a library, there is no .dsp file avaialable so I have to make it on my own, that includes, ceating a project, settings up include path to the correct subdirectory under drv\ and the inc\ directories and then look up the correct files to include in the project in the .comp and .lnk files, doing this for all libraries would take some:) time, or is there some neat trick do do this in an easy way maybe ?
Fri, 04/27/2018 - 12:54
Hello Andrey,
I tried out the Beta version and see the following problem: In a C++ mixed-mode assembly (VS2012) instantiating TColStd_MapIteratorOfPackedMapOfInteger gives a linker error: LNK2022: metadata operation failed (8013119F) : A TypeRef exists which should, but does not, have a corresponding TypeDef: (TColStd_intMapNode).
In order to resolve this problem I have to compile TColStd_PackedMapOfInteger.cxx within the project.
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. Please comment. Thanks.
Fri, 04/27/2018 - 18:33
Hello Pawel,
So far we have not encountered such problem. Can you explain in more details how your code is organized, or better provide a reproducer?
Note that in 7.3.0.beta, TColStd_MapIteratorOfPackedMapOfInteger is a typedef to nested class TColStd_PackedMapOfInteger::Iterator (it has been made nested by #29376). I suggest you to check all places where this name is used -- perhaps you need to use actual name "TColStd_PackedMapOfInteger::Iterator" explicitly in some places (e.g. .Net-specific statements).
Mon, 05/14/2018 - 14:52
Hello Andrey,
thanks for your comment!
As I was away for the last two weeks my reply comes with a delay.
The code below causes the mentioned problem. If I compile it with the /clr switch (VS2012 x64) the linker complains. Everything is fine when compile without Common Language Runtime Support.
//compile with /clr
#pragma comment (lib , "TKernel.lib")
#include "TColStd_HPackedMapOfInteger.hxx"
#include "TColStd_MapIteratorOfPackedMapOfInteger.hxx"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
Handle_TColStd_HPackedMapOfInteger hMap = new TColStd_HPackedMapOfInteger();
TColStd_MapIteratorOfPackedMapOfInteger itr(hMap->Map());
return 0;
Mon, 05/14/2018 - 14:58
I have reported this issue [0029764] via Mantis.
Mon, 05/07/2018 - 10:59
I use OCCT 7.3.0 beta Draw Test write a file with FSD_BinaryFile,then use fsdread to read this file,the application crash ** Exception ** 0000000002B64850 : OSD_Exception_ACCESS_VIOLATION: ACCESS VIOLATION at address 0x0000000000000010 during 'READ' operation
Mon, 05/07/2018 - 11:53
Please use Mantis (https://tracker.dev.opencascade.org) to report the issue, providing detailed description and all the data needed to reproduce the problem.