Tue, 04/25/2000 - 12:07
April 25th 2000 - Open CASCADE 3.0 stable version is available on www.opencascade.com The first certified version of Open CASCADE 3.0 is now available for downloading or purchase from www.opencascade.com. This version is the basis for the support packages that Matra Datavision offers around Open CASCADE (training courses, debugs, fixes and patches). Open CASCADE stable version 3.0 features the following toolkits : · Foundation · Modeling data · Modeling algorithms · Visualization · Data Exchange · Open CASCADE Application Framework · WOK : the Open CASCADE Development Environment. Open CASCADE stable version 3.0 is available on the following platforms: - Linux - Windows NT and Windows 95 - IBM/AIX - Sun Solaris - SGI IRIX. The Open CASCADE stable version 3.0 CD-Rom includes automatic installation procedures for all platforms. Open CASCADE documentation can be found on both the CD-Rom and as downloadable material. WOK, the Open CASCADE development environment (available on Linux and Unix platforms only) is designed to accomodate a large number of developers working on a variety of products. It also enables maximum reuse of Open CASCADE software components.
Tue, 04/25/2000 - 15:38
Suggestion : I think it would be easier for people to download Cascade by ftp means than by clicking on every file.. Best Regards Omar Msaaf
Tue, 04/25/2000 - 19:12
I agree, but in the mean time I found that I can browse the toplevel directory http://www138.pair.com/matra/pub/bin and see all the files.
Then I made this shell script and the GNU wget utility (works for UNIX anyway, and probably for NT if you have cygwin)
wget http://www138.pair.com/matra/pub/bin/sourceREADME
wget http://www138.pair.com/matra/pub/bin/runtimeREADME
wget http://www138.pair.com/matra/pub/bin/sourceApplicationFramework-3.0.tar.gz
wget http://www138.pair.com/matra/pub/bin/sourceDataExchange-3.0.tar.gz
wget http://www138.pair.com/matra/pub/bin/sourceDraw-3.0.tar.gz
wget http://www138.pair.com/matra/pub/bin/sourceDrawDE-3.0.tar.gz
wget http://www138.pair.com/matra/pub/bin/sourceFoundationClasses-3.0.tar.gz
wget http://www138.pair.com/matra/pub/bin/sourceModelingAlgorithms-3.0.tar.gz
wget http://www138.pair.com/matra/pub/bin/sourceModelingData-3.0.tar.gz
wget http://www138.pair.com/matra/pub/bin/sourceViewer-3.0.tar.gz
wget http://www138.pair.com/matra/pub/bin/sourceVisualization-3.0.tar.gz
wget http://www138.pair.com/matra/pub/bin/sourceWOK-3.0.tar.gz