Thu, 12/23/2004 - 15:00
Dear Users of Open CASCADE Technology !
Open CASCADE SA is pleased to announce that Open CASCADE Technology 5.2.2 maintenance release is now available to our customers. Regular maintenance releases, being a special privilege to our customers, feature fixes of customers problems and all up-to-date modifications.
Technical highlights:
* Lite OCAF has been implemented in order to improve performance of applications that use the OCAF component;
* Open CASCADE Technology module(s) and the whole OCCT can now be built with the nmake command on the Windows platform;
* The API of ThruSection algorithm has been improved.
For complete details on new features, improvements and bug fixes of this maintenance release please refer to its Release Notes available at http://www.opencascade.org/getocc/whatsnew/.
As usual, all modifications and improvements will be available to the Community in the next public version of Open CASCADE Technology.
The users of our Advanced components (http://www.opencascade.org/support/products/) will soon receive a notification about availability of the latest updates of these components built for Open CASCADE Technology 5.2.2.
If you are our customer and it happens that you have not received our private announcement with download instructions, please do not hesitate to contact us at support.contact@opencascade.com.
Sincerely yours,
Open CASCADE Support Team