Mon, 12/12/2011 - 20:18
OPEN CASCADE SAS is pleased to announce a new public maintenance release of Open CASCADE Technology (version 6.5.2). This release introduces about 92 modifications and bug fixes, over previous maintenance release 6.5.1.
Main improvements include:
- Redesign of Print operation – new Tile algorithm
- Support of two-byte character strings in visualization
- Improvement of BRepMesh triangulator and Intersection algorithms
- Update of ACIS Import, DXF Import and DXF Export products
Detailed information is available in Release Notes ( http://www.opencascade.com/pub/doc/Release_Notes_6.5.2.pdf ).
To download Open CASCADE Technology, please, visit our Download Center ( www.opencascade.org/getocc/download/ ).
To learn more about our Products, please, visit our Value-added Software page ( www.opencascade.org/support/products/ ).
Please, contact us for any additional information: www.opencascade.org/about/contacts/
Wed, 12/14/2011 - 11:30
downloaded the OpenCASCADE652.exe and installed it on Windows7 Ultimate.
The folder structure as described in Readme is shown.
Trying to start the MFC samples from 'start' or 'Run' in DOS window , failed to invoke the application.
Launch selected sample as follows:
Run.bat [vc8|vc9|vc10] [win32|win64] [Release|Debug] [SampleName]
Use option -d to run Debug mode
Also try to set the environment batch file,
Error: could not find requested version of Visual C++ (vc8) installed!
Check relevant environment variable (e.g. VS80COMNTOOLS for vc8)
pls guide.
- PG
Wed, 12/14/2011 - 15:14
Dear PG,
It means that your environment settings are incorrect.
The next post may be useful for you http://www.opencascade.org/org/forum/thread_21927/.
See my last reply in this thread.
Fri, 12/16/2011 - 14:04
Dear Supervisor
thks for the reply.
But earlier versions the environment settings were automatic
after installation.
- PG
Fri, 12/16/2011 - 14:29
Dear PG,
The launching process is described in the "readme.txt" file locate at the "...\mfc" directory. Just read it carefully.
Take into account, please that the official release includes binaries built for next mode:
vc8 win32 Release.
For other cases you should rebuilt samples by yourself using solution (.sln) files located at the same directory.
Fri, 12/16/2011 - 15:15
Is rebuilding OCC necessary in order to run samples and Draw if I don't have VS2005 installed?
In my case (Win 7 Prof, VS2010) after installation of OCC I couldn't start Draw and the samples.
When I try to start Draw, I get an error message saying that the side-by-side configuration is invalid:
"Diese Anwendung konnte nicht gestartet werden, da die Side-by-Side-Konfiguration
ungültig ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Anwendungsereignisprotokoll.
Weitere Details können auch mit dem Befehlszeilentool sxstrace.exe angezeigt wer
When I use sxstrace.exe, it says it cannot find Microsoft.VC80.DebugCRT,processorArchitecture="x86"
See the appended file.
Why is it looking for a Debug crt, when I try to start the Release version?
Fri, 12/16/2011 - 16:20
Dear Timo,
The official release (see details in corresponding "Open CASCADE Technology and Products ver. 6.5.2 Maintenance Release") is built with VS2005 (win32 & Release mode).
For all other cases you should rebuild it using msvc.bat file from "...\ros" directory.
If you need only to run samples (without any modifications) install, please redistributable package for VS2005 (vcredist_x86.exe) and run sample.
Fri, 12/16/2011 - 19:54
Dear supervisor,
installing redistributable for VS2005 didn't help.
Maybe you could test it on a clean system (Win 7 Prof, 64 bit).
After building OCC with VS2010, I was able to start Draw.
Fri, 12/23/2011 - 08:47
Thanks a lot for the clarification.
On my windows 2000 system, installation was smooth.
But trying to run MFC or Qt or Test harness, the DLL MSVCp80.dll is not found in the path.
Is it not distributed with the download file ? Where can I get the official
version of DLL?
- PG
Fri, 12/23/2011 - 10:27
Dear PG,
You can look at Internet for the redistributable package for VS2005 (vcredist_x86.exe).
After installation it should work.
Mon, 01/09/2012 - 15:34
the ...\ros\win32\vc8\bin\ directory of the OCCT6.5.2 distribution contains binaries compiled against the debug version of the VC runtime.
If you use a manifest browser you will see (e.g. TKBool.dll):
This is why installing vcredist_x86.exe won't work - only the release version of the corresponding runtime is installed.
Tue, 01/10/2012 - 15:26
Dear Pawel,
We locally checked the binary package of OCCT6.5.2.
The problem is not reproduced. See below the manifest of TKBool.dll:
Tue, 01/10/2012 - 17:30
Hello Forum Supervisor,
this is strange indeed... I'm quite sure my binaries depend on debug versions of the VC runtime (see attached screenshots).
Just to compare: the size of TKBool.dll on my machine is 3.928.064 bytes. Does this match the size of your file?
Best regards
Tue, 01/10/2012 - 18:35
I have exactly the same manifest as Pawel, when I open TKBool.dll with VS2010.
In order to be sure, I downloaded OpenCASCADE652.exe again today from your website and installed it and had the same result.
Kind regards,
Tue, 01/10/2012 - 19:35
I also have the same manifest with the original dlls.
Wed, 01/11/2012 - 12:42
Dear Pawel, dear all,
We have downloaded the latest official version and double-checked it.
Yes, you are right, and the official version is in debug mode!
The failure has been identified and the official version has been updated.
Now it is available for downloading.
We apologize for any possible inconvenience and will try to take all necessary measures to avoid any recurrence of similar incidents in the future.
Wed, 01/11/2012 - 13:57
it's okay now.
Thank you.
Thu, 01/19/2012 - 15:18
Downloaded the latest 6.5.2 exe and installed, the samples are working fine.
Installtion of VS2005 DLL 's was not required.
thanks to Pawel.
- PG
Wed, 12/14/2011 - 14:48
Excellent news. My congratulations!
Thu, 12/15/2011 - 20:37
Very good news! Thanks!
Wed, 12/28/2011 - 18:44
Hi, Did anyone try it on Linux? I saw the pdf document that talks about how to build on Linux machines. But there is no configure file, is it missing? i am not good with autoconfig, please let me know if configure is really missing or I missed something very obvious.
Wed, 12/28/2011 - 21:16
Hi Venu,
OCCT 6.5.2 changes were integrated into the OCE master branch, and tested under Linux, Win and OSX. If you feel more comfortable with cmake than with autotools, then you just have to git pull your oce local copy.
Wed, 12/28/2011 - 21:42
Hi Thomas, actually that's the first thing I tried, I posted a message to the oce forum on google groups. The compilation of oce is fine and also the libraries get built. But I get an error when I link them with my application. That's what made me try OCC6.5.2 till that is solved.
I can email you the error in a little while.
Thanks again,
Tue, 01/24/2012 - 15:49
Is there no support for REDHAT linux binaries as in in 6.3.0 series ?
- PG
Tue, 01/24/2012 - 16:51
Dear PG,
Officially supported Linux platforms are declared in Release Notes of OCCT652:
32/64-bit: Debian 4.0, Mandriva 2008.
We believe that binaries can be built on RedHat too using the same procedures.