Fri, 03/29/2013 - 20:14
March 29, 2013
OPEN CASCADE SAS is pleased to announce a new maintenance release of Open CASCADE Technology (version 6.5.5).
This release includes about 30 improvements and bug fixes over previous maintenance release 6.5.4.
Version 6.5.5 is binary compatible with version 6.5.4, and is recommended for projects that use 6.5.4 (no porting is required).
Note that the next minor release 6.6.0 incorporating a set of new features is coming soon.
New in this version:
- BREP Format Description White Paper has been added
- Several User Guides have been updated
Detailed information about this release is available in Release Notes (PDF).
To download Open CASCADE Technology, please, visit our Download Center.
To learn more about our Products, please, visit our Value-added Software page.
Please contact us for any additional information.