Thu, 04/06/2023 - 15:20
Open Cascade is pleased to announce that the next Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) maintenance release (version 7.7.1) is prepared. The sources of Open CASCADE Technology 7.7.1 are available under the V7_7_1 tag in the OCCT repository.
This maintenance release fixes the following problems:
- 33171: Modeling Algorithms - The compound with the few solids connected through shared faces becomes invalid after same domain faces unification
- 32977: Data Exchange – Can’t read STEP color correctly for the referenced root label
- 33170: Modeling Algorithms - Checking for canonical geometry: plane detection problems
- 33144: Modeling Algorithms - Wrong result of Shape Proximity
- 33187: Modeling Algorithms - Crash in postprocessing of imported shape
- 33173: Modeling Algorithms - BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape causing Standard_OutOfRange exception [Regression]
- 26441: Modeling Algorithms - BRepOffset_MakeOffset affects original shape
- 33179: Modeling Algorithms - Crash in ShapeFix_Shape with the attached object, when healing for fixing SameParameterFlag
- 27122: Data Exchange - Invalid shapes are produced during model translation due to huge face tolerance when importing STEP [Regression]
- 33193: Modeling Algorithms - UnifySameDomain raises SIGSEGV [Regression]
- 32818: Modeling Algorithms - Result of sweep operation is invalid
- 33217: DRAW - Debug tools DrawTrSurf_Set, DrawTrSurf_SetPnt and DrawTrSurf_SetPnt2d cannot be used in some environments
- 33180: Modeling Algorithms - Crash while using Build() on BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections class
- 32934: Modelling Algorithms - BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape returns two solutions instead of one
- 22821: Modeling Algorithms - Crash of BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet related to high value of ChFi3d_Builder::tolesp parameter
- 33156: Modeling Algorithms - Planar face creation problem
- 31865: Mesh - triangulation fails with large deflection values due to unhandled Standard_OutOfRange, BRepMesh_PairOfIndex::Append()
- 33228: Data Exchange, DE Wrapper - Make the document argument of the method Read const handle
- 33230: Data Exchange, DE Wrapper - Update API to find CAD provider
- 33232: Data Exchange, DE_Wrapper - Implement ability to change global session
- 33218: Data Exchange - XCAFPrs_Texture does not allow to use classes inherited from Image_Texture
- 33250: Configuration - Missing Limits header file
- 33235: Configuration - Solving the problem with static building of ExpToCasExe
- 31919: Modeling Algorithms - General Fuse raises exception on attempt to imprint a contour to a shell
- 30781: Modeling Algorithms - Sweep algorithm creates non-planar edges (orig. BOPAlgo_MakerVolume fails to build a solid)
- 33244: Modeling Algorithms - Surface-surface intersection produces the double curves
- 33265: Modeling Algorithms - Boolean operation hangs on the attached shapes
- 33247: Modeling Algorithms - BOP report small edges problem and produce empty result
- 33304: Modeling Data - Floating point signal when converting a B-spline curve to analytical form
- 33305: Coding - BOPTools_PairSelector::Clear() method uses "Clear" instead of "clear" on std::vector
- 33315: Mesh - BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh takes forever to finish (ends up with system memory)
- 33311: Modeling Algorithm - No results of thrusection algorithm
- 33312: Data Exchange - NULL-dereference in StepToTopoDS_TranslateShell::Init()
- 33320: Data Exchange - Reading of a VRML file with a long line fails
- 33307: Data Exchange, Step Import - Crash after reading empty edge loop
- 32570: Visualization, AIS_AnimationObject - define rotation around axis
- 30828: Data Exchange - The commands getting shapes from XCAF document should be available in C++
- 27848: Visualization - Sensitivity of lines is too high
- 33317: Data Exchange, Step Export - Ignoring color attached to the reference shape label
- 30055: Modeling Algorithms - BRepOffset_MakeOffset throws "TopoDS_Vertex hasn't gp_Pnt" in intersection mode
- 30292: Modeling Algorithms - BRepBndLib should avoid using Poly_Polygon3D when called with useTriangulation set to false
- 33263: Modeling Algorithms - BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet doesn't work for current parameters
- 33227: Modeling Algorithm - BOPAlgo_BuilderSolid generates incomplete result
- 33298: Modeling Algorithm - Offset operation gives wrong result
- 33306: Modeling Algorithm - Crash in TrimEdge() method
- 33264: Modeling Algorithms - Result of section operation is incomplete
- 33092: Data Exchange, Documentation - Implementation of DE_Wrapper documentation
- 33340: Modeling Algorithm - Improve memory management performance in the "PaveFiller"
- 33345: Coding - Memory allocation operators got inaccessible
- 33337: DRAW - Can't load plugins on Linux OS
- 33327: Data Exchange, IGES Import - SubfigureDef can't read string
- 33331: Data Exchange, Step Import - Unsupported Representation Items
Wed, 04/12/2023 - 14:57
I want to upgrade from OCC7.5.0 to the new release 7.7.1. I followed the link in the above post and downloaded from "snapshot (tar.gz zip)".
The unpacked files are not a full OCC installation. I suppose it contains only the changed file. Which is the reference release for the provided files, 7.7.0?
So can I copy the files from the snapshot over a fresh unpacked OCC 7.7.0 download?
Thanks and best regards
Thu, 04/13/2023 - 01:27
V7_7_1_dowload contains full copy of OCCT repository (7_7_1)
We delivered only Win64 installer with 7_7_0: Download - Open CASCADE Technology
To get the compiled version of the library, you must build it yourself using the following guide: Build OCCT - Open CASCADE Technology Documentation
Best regards, Dmitrii.
Sun, 05/07/2023 - 07:12
When will we have 7.7.1 available on git hub (https://github.com/Open-Cascade-SAS/OCCT) ?
Sun, 05/07/2023 - 10:11
We are in the process of publishing. The current master has already been synchronised. A new branch and tag will be pushed soon. Also a release with source and documentation will be published. I apologize for the inconvenience. I will try to speed this up.
Best regards, Dmitrii.
Sun, 05/07/2023 - 20:12
Much appreciated.
Mon, 05/08/2023 - 17:26
New tag have been publicated. Tag - V7_7_1, Release - V7_7_1.
Additinally, release note for V7_7_0 released - Link
Best regards, Dmitrii.