OpenCASCADE Animation function not work


Hi Everyone:

I have tried to use AIS_Animation and AIS_AnimationObject to do a basic Two-link Animation. And when I click the Winform button, then start to play animation. The animation code is written in the OCCTProxy project, which is a function. But when I clicked, things did not happen. And here is my code: It first sets the two link's start_pnt and end_pnt individually and adds to the animation object. Then play in the while loop. Does anyone have any idea?

// Animation function void MOVJAnimation( void ) {

    // add animation object
Handle( AIS_Animation ) ais_animation = new AIS_Animation( "MOVJ_project" );
gp_Trsf start_pnt_axis1, start_pnt_axis2;

// C1, C2 = 0 deg
start_pnt_axis1.SetValues( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 );
start_pnt_axis2.SetValues( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 );

// C1 = 80 deg, C2 = 50 deg

int index = 0;
for( auto iter = CADModel().begin(); iter != CADModel().end(); iter++ ) {
    if( index == 0 ) {
        gp_Trsf end_pnt_axis1 = iter->Location().Transformation();
        gp_Ax1 axe1 =
            gp_Ax1( gp_Pnt( end_pnt_axis1.Value( 1, 4 ), end_pnt_axis1.Value( 2, 4 ), end_pnt_axis1.Value( 3, 4 ) ), gp_Dir( 0, 0, 1 ) );
        end_pnt_axis1.SetRotation( axe1, 90 * M_PI / 180. );
        Handle( AIS_AnimationObject ) ais_ao =
            new AIS_AnimationObject( "MOVJ_project", myAISContext(), new AIS_Shape( *iter ), start_pnt_axis1, end_pnt_axis1 );
        ais_ao->SetOwnDuration( 5 );
        ais_ao->SetStartPts( 0 );
        ais_animation->Add( ais_ao );
    else if( index == 1 ){
        gp_Trsf end_pnt_axis2 = iter->Location().Transformation();
        gp_Ax1 axe1 = gp_Ax1( gp_Pnt( 0, 0, 0 ), gp_Dir( 0, 0, 1 ) );
        gp_Ax1 axe2 = gp_Ax1( gp_Pnt( 0, 0, 0 ), gp_Dir( 0, 1, 0 ) );
        axe2.Rotate( axe1, 90 * M_PI / 180. );
        end_pnt_axis2.SetRotation( axe2, 50 * M_PI / 180. );
        Handle( AIS_AnimationObject ) ais_ao =
            new AIS_AnimationObject( "MOVJ_project", myAISContext(), new AIS_Shape( *iter ), start_pnt_axis2, end_pnt_axis2 );
        ais_ao->SetOwnDuration( 5 );
        ais_ao->SetStartPts( 0 );
        ais_animation->Add( ais_ao );
    else {

// clear old transformation model
// myAISContext()->RemoveAll( Standard_False );
double duration = ais_animation->Duration();
ais_animation->StartTimer( 0, 1.0, Standard_True, Standard_False );
while( !ais_animation->IsStopped() ) {



Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Hello, which version of OCCT do you use? (It helps us to reproduce and analyze)

Best regards, Dmitrii.

HSIEN-SHUN HSU's picture

Hi, I use OCCT 7.5.0 version. Thanks for your help!

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Thank you, I will ask vis team about your issue, But 7.5 a little old and probably there will be some differences with 7.8. If there will be not a respons for a time, please send a new comment to remind.

Best regards, dmitrii.

HSIEN-SHUN HSU's picture

Hi Pasukhin,

Could I ask another question about visualization? I try to measure the time which updates the view. The code is as follow :

for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
JointRotate( C1_offset * ( i + 1 ), C2_offset * ( i + 1 ), Standard_True );
auto end_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( end_time - start_time ).count() << std::endl;

The function JointRotate includes calculating the new transformation of the CAD file (didn't generate the new model, only changed its transformation) and updateCurrentView. It costs about 16ms once in a time although I change the fps of the screen( 50 ~ 70 HZ ). Is the method of measuring is correct or not?

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Hello, I will share this question too. Nowadays, we have a lot of experience with animation.

Best regards, Dmitrii.

jason jiang's picture

I also need do rotation of animation,while I test above same code,it not work as I, is it necessary need run on occ 7.8?my test version is occ7.1.

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

7.1 already 8 years old. For that long time a animation was updated. Please use the latest version inside your projects.

Best regards, Dmitrii. If you will find some issue, we will help you. But it is possible only on latest version.