Is OpenCASCADE suitable for my needs?

I am totally new to OpenCASCADE and need to understand IF, very simply, the basic the 3D solid model visualisation functionality that is what OpenCASCADE does can be simultaneously combined with other custom user display requirements.

Specifically, in the case of this enquiry, is it possible to plot/display ray paths (and other particle trajectories) in space for proprietary x-ray physics simulation tools used within my university research group - with these trajectories being 'overlaid' on the 3D CAD model that the OpenCASCADE software is displaying.

Ideally, in addition to just displaying a 3D CAD model, it would be desirable to utilise/extract data defining each surface of a 3D model AND ALSO assign additional user defined physical properties/variable values to each surface - so that actual physical computations/simulation of x-ray interaction at these surfaces can be made which in turn will determine the appearance of the trajectories displayed.

display/manipulate 3D CAD models (created in other third party software, such as Solidworks, and saved in either STEP or ACIS formats) with other relatively simple visualisation data.

The idea, relevant to this enquiry, is to be able to plot/display ray paths (and other particle trajectories) in space for proprietary x-ray physics simulation tools used within my university research group.

Any answers to this enquiry could also be applicable as a more general answer to others seeking to use OpenCASCADE in combination with their own user-defined display data.

Many thanks in advance.

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Dear David,

As you may learn at, Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) provides a powerful support of 3D visualization, with various levels of abstraction starting from the highest-level API (AIS package) down to lower level direct access to OpenGl functions. In particular, as far as I can imagine, using OCCT for visualizing ray paths overlapped with any 3D models looks quite feasible, probably with some additional customization the level of which will depend on your exact requirements.

As for manipulating 3D models, OCCT provides a variety of modeling tools, as well as embedded support of STEP reading and writing. Interfaces to ASIC SAT format is offered as an additional component - please learn more about it at

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