OpenCascade v7.7.0 not compiling - Missing files

there is some errors in the openscade-7.7.0.tgz packages.
Microsoft Visual Studio projects have a list of files that do not exist.
The first is "..\..\..\src\FSD\FSD_Base64Decoder.cxx". There issues is already present in your bug tracker ( It should be fixed in the 7.6.0 but still continue to have the wrong reference.
There are also this files references:

Can you check the package and fix all the wrong reference?

Thanks for your help.

Martino Salvato's picture

I've just install the opencascade-7.7.0-vc14-64.exe.
Why the contain of adm\msvc\vc142\ is much different between the

I just installed opencascade-7.7.0-vc14-64.exe.
Why is the content of adm\msvc\vc142\ very different from that provided by the opencascade-7.7.0.tgz package???