Sun, 10/02/2011 - 16:02
Hi OCC Team,
Due to "Fatal error during graphic initialization" and TKOpenGL.dll Load Error in some weird cases
Would it be possible to change without big implication for all users :
Standard_Boolean OSD_SharedLibrary :: DlOpen ( const OSD_LoadMode Mode ) {
// ( myHandle = ( HINSTANCE )LoadLibraryEx ( myName, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH) ) == NULL
// replaced by
( myHandle = ( HINSTANCE ) ::LoadLibrary (myName) ) == NULL
because LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH can be unpredictable and not under devleoper control. It look first in system dir and I dont wan too. Imagine you are workin with OCC 6.2.0 but you installed a nice OCC App 5.0 that put all dll inSystem32
LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH seems useful for OCC, don't know really why.
Dll Hell ...
I personnaly use two ways for dll
Debug :
Path for OCC and other lib (TBB)
Release :
One big bin
Mon, 10/03/2011 - 16:16
Dear Philippe,
I would like to inform you that according your request a corresponding issue with ID = 22743 has been registered. Later you can know if the issue is resolved by checking references to the specified ID in OCCT Release Notes. The analysis of the issue will take some time depending on our technical capability and availability of resources.