Wed, 03/27/2024 - 23:12
I have run into some difficulties with constructing solids with edges with curves on surfaces that are Geom2d_BSplineCurve and are periodic, and the surface is periodic. I'm using lower level API calls to construct solids. The one case I'm looking at is a plane/cylinder intersection producing an ellipse in 3D. The spline pcurve on the cylinder has a period (0, 2 PI), but the u range on the edge is (3/4 PI, 7/4 PI). BRep_Builder::UpdateEdge will set the UV coordinates for the endpoints of the pcurve, but it sets them to roughly the same UV value on the cylinder, (~0, v) and (~0, v). The UV coordinates need to be (0, v) and (± 2 PI, v). Also sampling the bspline has a jump at pcurve u = 2 PI. Are there some best practices I don't know about in this area?