Please HELP! How can I perform interactive modeling using opencascade?

For example, it takes 3 steps to make a box:
1. I click on a plane (XOY plane for example) with my mouse to define the first point of the box
2. I move my mouse and I can see a rectangle following the mouse cursor, then I click again to define the 2nd point, these 2 points together define a rectangle
3. I move my mouse along Z direction and I can see a box following the mouse cursor, then I click again to define the height of the box, and that's it, I've made a box interactively.

So how can I implement this with opencascade?
Or is it even possible with opencascade?

Artem Zhidkov's picture

Hello Ivan,

Please, take a look at BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism class, it could cover your use case.

Best regards,


Ivan Chu's picture

I'll check this, thank you Artem!