Sun, 02/19/2017 - 23:56
Possible optimization
I tried to change the transform of the underling Graphic3d_CStructure
However changing the rendering transform over the InteractiveContext has some unnecessary overhead.
Best option would be to use a cheap value class (gp_Trsf) in the call, but:
AIS_InteractiveContext.SetLocation uses a TopLoc_Location object as parameter but internally only uses its gp_Trsf.
The TopLoc_Location is expensive to construct.
Bypassing to AIS_Shape.SetLocalTransformation(gp_Trsf) omits update of selection transforms.
Possible optimization:
Allow SetLocation with parameter gp_Trsf. TopLoc_Location implicit casts
The Prs3d_Presentation forwards to the Graphic3d_CStructure (functions Transform(), Move(), etc) by using a Handle(Geom_Transformation) and calling new inside.
This seems unnecessary as the usage of the Handle is only local and all the data is copied, so nothing gets shared.
Possible optimization:
Replace Handle(Geom_Transformation) with gp_Trsf
This would save several unnecessary memory allocations.
Mon, 02/20/2017 - 10:18
AIS_InteractiveContext::SetLocation() takes TopLoc_Location for historical reasons - of course it would be more straightforward if there will be also method taking gp_Trsf. This patch will be welcome.
But I doubt it will have any performance effect.
The transformation is shared across different presentations of the same presentable object. Dynamic allocation should not be much problem here because PrsMgr_PresentableObject is very heavy object anyway.
Wed, 02/16/2000 - 10:25
Hi !
The reason that I wanted to make one big dll is that, it would take a lot of work to put together all the project files needed to create all the libraries, by making only one dll I only need one project file.
And when the next version is out I have to check all the project files again if some files have been added and so on.
Or is there an easy way to make the project files needed ? so far I have not found and easy way to do it.
Note: I have used precompiled header to compile the samples and my own code and so far I have not had any problems, is this only a problem when I compile the sorce files ?
Wed, 02/16/2000 - 15:25
dynamic load is possible with NT : add /DELAYLOAD:DLLNAME syntax to Projet Settings | Link for more information, see MSJ February 2000, chapter Under The Hood by Matt Pietrek or http://www.microsoft.com/msj/0200/hood/hood0200.asp