pythonOCC news: release 0.96 ofr OCC 6.3.0


Hello everybody,

pythonOCC is an open-source (CeCILL licensed) set of Python bindings for OCC.

A new release is available: python0CC 0.96, requiring OpenCascade 6.3.0 librairies. The complete framework was rewritten to move from Boost libraries to SWIG wrapper generator. The set of SWIG .i files are generated from OCC header files with less than 300 lines of Python code (by the use of the famous pygccxml C++ parsing tool). Windows binary files are available for both Python24 and Python25.

Although 3D visualization is not yet available, most modeling as well as import/export tasks should be achieved.

Info, downloads and API reference on

Of course, any feedback is welcome.

Best regards,

Thomas Paviot

Dave Cowden's picture

Thomas, thank you for your work on pythonocc!