PythonOCC for reading parasolid


We need to import parasolid (X_T) file format and check some geometry data like: volume, surface area, etc.
I understand Open CASCADE Technology -The Parasolid Import interface reads X_T.

Forum supervisor's picture

Hello Jitendra,

Your understanding is correct.

You may find more information about this interface at

Pleae, contact us for further information.

Best regards,

Forum supervisor

Jitendra More's picture


Thanks for your response. Can you please update how can we use the existing interface in pythonOCC.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

Forum supervisor's picture

Hello Jitendra,

We have sent to you a private message - please, check your mailbox.


Forum supervisor

Hisham Ali's picture


i am also interested to find more about to use  pythonocc to import parasolid (X_T) file format? are there any example to support this?

Hisham Ali's picture

i am also interested to find more about to use  pythonocc to import parasolid (X_T) file format? are there any example to support this?

qa qa's picture

Parasolid component is commercial part of OpenCascade. So, there is no such a sample.