Fri, 06/07/2024 - 18:35
Hi all,
I am building my own hobby geometric modeller (with its own C++ data structure representations) and wish to use OpenCascade 7.4.0 API's to perform booleans (and probably fillets/blends in the future). So I convert my classes to equivalent OCC classes, invoke the Boolean api, and then
need to convert resultant Topology/Geometry representation of Opencascade into my own datastructures.
Specifically - I am using BRepAdaptor_Curve class to get underlying geometry curve of the TopoDS_Edge (this is while 'walking through' the topology of the resultant cut body).
Have following questions:-
a) I noticed that BRepAdaptor returns gp_Elips/gp_Circ (if the underlying geometry is indeed elliptic/circular in nature) - but gp_Elips/gp_Circ seems to represent only full ellipse/full circle (this is understanding i get from the documentation).
What if the resultant edge was an elliptic arc or circular arc ? How do I come to know that - Am I supposed to use IsClosed() method (and if false, meaning its an open arc) - then to convert resultant arc into ellipse/circle arc using GC_MakeArcOfEllipse/GC_MakeArcOfCircle constructors?
b) I iterate through the TopoDS_Edges of all the face (in order) using BRepTools_WireExplorer.
So when I use BRepAdaptorCurve to get the geometry of TopoDS_Edge (which is the edge of some face) - then which form of the adapter constructor to use? BRep_AdaptorCurve(TopoDS_Edge& ) or BRep_AdaptorCurve(TopoDS&, Face&)?
Any clarification on the above would be appreciated.
Tue, 06/11/2024 - 19:40
Hello. My apologies for spam filter, sometimes it not so friendly. But the moderator needs some time to approve your post. Please don't worry about that.
a) As for a BRepAdaptor_Curve. You have a FirstParameter and LastParameter. Which you can project on curve and extracy start and end points. Any curves on OCC can be trimmered by topology as a StartVertex and EndVertex or by geometry as a Geom_TrimmeredCurve with UV limitation(FirstParameter and LastParameter). OCC has no pure CircleArc type.
b) Depends on your needs, the most common and fast way to extract just geometry is "BRep_Tool::Curve" that gives you last and end parameter. BRep_AdaptorCurve(Edge&, Face&) extract curve on surface.
Best regards, Dmitrii.