Read/Write TopoDS_Shape to/from memory buffer

I'm looking for some guidance on the correct way to write/read a TopoDS_Shape to/from a memory buffer. Something like BRepTools::Write/Read, but using a binary format instead of ASCII as well as being able to target a specific version. The information I found for OCAF persistence mentions a binary format, but it's vague and doesn't reference any classes. Any help is appreciated. Using OCCT 7.0 beta.

Roman Lygin's picture


Binary persistence for TopoDS_Shape is available via BinTools (part of TKBRep as of 6.8.0 - see #25439).

Its usage is similar to one of BRepTools, except that you have to explicitly construct the BinTools_ShapeSet and dump it. The following code excerpt show template-based use of text and binary persistence.

Beware though - binary persistence is known to not properly read/write incomplete shapes (e.g. an edge without 3D curve, which is of course invalid). So you may end-up in a file non readable back. For that reason we had to defer binary persistence in our product.

Hope this helps.


namespace cadex {
namespace internal {

class ModelData_DataStorage
    enum Mode {
        Text,   //<! Using plain text (BRepTools_ShapeSet)
        Binary  //<! Using binary mechanism (BinTools_ShapeSet)
    class Driver

        Standard_EXPORT virtual ~Driver();

        virtual Mode GetMode() const = 0;
        virtual bool Store (std::ostream& theOutStream) = 0;
        virtual bool Retrieve (std::istream& theInStream) = 0;

/*! \class ModelData_ShapeStorage
    \brief Provides persistence mechanism for Open CASCADE shapes.

class ModelData_ShapeStorage::ShapeDriver : public ModelData_DataStorage::Driver

    virtual void Add (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape) = 0;

/*! \a T is either BRepTools_ShapeSet or BinTool_ShapeSet which both have same source API.*/
template<typename T, ModelData_DataStorage::Mode M>
class ModelData_ShapeStorage_ShapeSetDriver : public ModelData_ShapeStorage::ShapeDriver
    virtual void Add (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape) override { mySet.Add (theShape); }

    virtual bool Store (Standard_OStream& theOutStream) override
        mySet.SetFormatNb (1); //2 or 3 may trigger non-determinism when storing/retrieving
        mySet.Write (theOutStream);
        return true;

    virtual bool Retrieve (Standard_IStream& theInStream) override
        mySet.Read (theInStream);
        return true;

    virtual ModelData_DataStorage::Mode GetMode() const override
    { return M; }

    T   mySet;

typedef ModelData_ShapeStorage_ShapeSetDriver<BRepTools_ShapeSet, ModelData_DataStorage::Text>

typedef ModelData_ShapeStorage_ShapeSetDriver<BinTools_ShapeSet, ModelData_DataStorage::Binary>

    void Add (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape)
        if (!theShape.IsNull()) {
            myDriver->Add (theShape);

            std::stringstream aStream;
            myDriver->Store (aStream);
            auto aString = aStream.str();

