rubber banding

Hi, I use a AIS_InteractiveContext to display AIS_InteractiveObjects (method Display). And I use Redraw to redraw a modified AIS_InteractiveObject. This works fine, as long as there are only a few AIS_InteractiveObjects in the AIS_InteractiveContext. When there are many objects (e.g. 500) the redraw gets very slow.

Maybe I should use a Graphic3d_Group, but then it looks like I am limited to Polygons and Polylines (or is there a way to break down a AIS_InteractiveObject to Polylines/Polygons?). In 2D there is a Graphic2d_Buffer, but in 3D? What would be the best (fastest) way to dynamically and visually display a modified AIS_InteractiveObject (like a rubber band of a line, or rotating a wirerframe shape)?

thanks in advance for any hint!


Jean-Claude Demosthenidy's picture

Hello Gerhard,

Would you please share the portion of your code that deals with this? I am a beginner in OCC and I have no idea how to get started with this.

Thanks for any help! Jean-Claude

Jean-Claude Demosthenidy's picture

Hi! have you used this method to draw a line with rubberbanding for example? What if you needed to create the line from scratch, with mouse clicks? Any hints? Thanks for sharing..
