Mon, 02/28/2022 - 10:36
Hi everyone,
I want to have vertex, edge, face or full body selection on AIS_Shape according to selection mode. Actually, if the vertex that I want to go from is selected, I need to obtain the coordinates of the vertex. If edge is selected I need to calculate the length. Surface area even if face is selected...
I can highlight with my command.
myViewerWidget->getContext()->Activate(TopAbs_FACE, Standard_True);
But when the shape is clicked it returns me all of its vertices or surfaces.
My code in the mouse click event is as follows;
if (theEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { qDebug() << "Left click pressed."; if(!myContext->DetectedOwner().IsNull()){ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) picked; myContext->InitSelected(); picked = myContext->DetectedInteractive(); Handle(AIS_Shape) aShape=Handle(AIS_Shape)::DownCast(picked); TopoDS_Shape topShape = aShape->Shape(); // Vertex for(TopExp_Explorer vertEx(topShape, TopAbs_VERTEX); vertEx.More(); vertEx.Next()) { TopoDS_Vertex aVertex = TopoDS::Vertex(vertEx.Current()); gp_Pnt aPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(aVertex); qDebug() << "Vertex: " << aPnt.X() << " " << aPnt.Y() << " " << aPnt.Z(); } // Face for(TopExp_Explorer vertEx(topShape, TopAbs_FACE); vertEx.More(); vertEx.Next()) { TopoDS_Face aVertex = TopoDS::Face(vertEx.Current()); GProp_GProps System; BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(aVertex, System); Standard_Real Area = System.Mass(); qDebug() << "Area: " << Area; } } }
How can I have only one corner or edge of any AIS_Shape that I want? What am I missing?
Thanks, Hakan.
Mon, 02/28/2022 - 11:26
Your code retrieves the shape from AIS_Shape, which would be entire shape of this presentation. To get picking results you should work with Owner objects instead.
Mon, 02/28/2022 - 13:16
Thanks for your answer Kirill. I know I'm tiring you but when I do as you say I can't catch any TopoDS_Shape.
My code:
This is how I set the viewer content. Could there be an issue with that?