Thu, 01/26/2017 - 14:15
Dear all,
We develop a 3D software linked to OCC v6.9 and we would like to use the v7.1 last release now.
We notice a big gap for the serialize issue between the two versions :
In the v6.9, we could directly serialize a TopoDs_Shape in a binary file just like that :
Writing method :
void CBRepGeometry::Store(CArchiveWriter& pWriter) const
FSD_Archive lOccAr = FSD_Archive(&pWriter) ;
Handle_ShapeSchema occSchema = BuildOcc<ShapeSchema>() ;
Handle_Storage_Data d = BuildOcc<Storage_Data>() ;
PTColStd_TransientPersistentMap aMap ;
Handle_PTopoDS_HShape aPShape = MgtBRep::Translate(this->mShape, aMap, MgtBRep_WithoutTriangle) ;
d->AddRoot("", aPShape) ;
occSchema->Write(lOccAr, d) ;
Reading method :
void CBRepGeometry::Load(CArchiveReader& pReader)
Handle_ShapeSchema occSchema = BuildOcc<ShapeSchema>() ;
FSD_Archive ar = FSD_Archive(&pReader) ;
Handle_Storage_Data d = occSchema->Read(ar) ;
Handle_Storage_HSeqOfRoot roots = d->Roots() ;
Handle_Storage_Root r = roots->Value(1) ;
Handle_Standard_Persistent p = r->Object() ;
Handle_PTopoDS_HShape aPShape = Handle_PTopoDS_HShape::DownCast(p) ;
// Create the shape
PTColStd_PersistentTransientMap aMap ;
MgtBRep::Translate(aPShape, aMap, this->mShape, MgtBRep_WithoutTriangle) ;
this->SetShape(this->mShape) ;
These OCC objects do not exist anymore in OCC 7.1.
So please how is supported the retro-compatibility ?
And what is the current mecanism to do the job ?
I cannot find such an information in the OCC documentation.
Thanks in advance,
Fri, 01/27/2017 - 13:23
Dear Jean-Charles,
You can refer to the section " Removal of legacy persistence" in Upgrade Guide:
Please do not hesitate to communicate via our Contact Form for providing more information about our expertise, support and solutions and needs of your projects.
Best regards,
Forum supervisor
Wed, 01/18/2023 - 14:33
Please provide upgrade guide for ShapeSchema library. link is not working
Wed, 01/18/2023 - 15:31