STEPCAFControl_Reader misses body names (labels)

I am using STEPCAFControl_Reader to load the attached STEP file which is according to the StepFileAnalyzer tool available at a correct step file.
The STEPCAFControl_Reader does not import the labels (names) of the two bodies 0:1:1:2 and 0:1:1:3 which are free bodies. The labels should be part3 for the shell, and solidpa for the solid. The import of the labels works if the two shapes are moved into an assembly (assembly with two components).
I am using OCC 7.6.2.

Is this a know limitation? Any suggestions?


==== C++ source code
STEPCAFControl_Reader reader;


Standard_Integer stat = reader.ReadFile( <file_path> );

// Read in the shape(s) and the colors present in the STEP File
Standard_Integer num_roots = reader.NbRootsForTransfer();

auto root = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::ShapeTool(step_doc->Main());

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture


Attached step file contains only one Product, which name is read correctly.

OCCT provides the ability to read names from products and NextAssemblyUsageOccurrence. You can export a file with this limitation to keep names.

In this file, the names are contained in a ShapeRepresentation, which is currently not available for obtaining a name. You can update by yourself a STEPCAFControl_Reader::ReadNames to handle this objects with names or create a ticket to do this one according ISO.

Best regards, Dmitrii.