Take snapshot of the model loaded from the step file in console app.

I have a console app which takes the step file input and gives the glb file output.
I am using the STEPCAFControl_Reader class to read the step file and save it in the TDocStd_Document.
Then using RWGltf_CafWriter I am exporting the glb model for the given step file.
I don't want to render the model or visualize it.
My console app will be running as the headless service for stp to glb conversion.

I want to save a snapshot image of the given step file model.
How can we do that in my app console app where we don't have any viewer or visualizations?

gkv311 n's picture

You cannot make a screenshot without drawing 3d model. For that you don't need to open any windows to the user - rendering could be done in offscreen window. In case of you have no GPU on workstation - there are software implementations of OpenGL that will work slower.