Transforme a Shape


I want to apply a geographic transformation to my shape. This transformation is obtain by applying a function. How can I do ?

actualy I tried with BRepBuilderAPI_Transform , but it takes a gp_Trsf. And I don't have matrix.


Jérome Dufaure's picture

hello xavier
If you want to translate your shape, you can use this:

Create(Point1 : Pnt from gp;
Point2 : Pnt from gp) returns MakeTranslation;

Value(me) returns Trsf from gp
is static;
---C++: return const&

Operator(me) returns Trsf from gp
is static;
---C++: return const&
---C++: alias "Standard_EXPORT operator >gp_Trsf() const;"