What 3D formats supported ?


What formats supported by OpenCascade (to read shapes from and save (export) shapes to), exept STL, STEP, IGES ?

For example SLDPRT, 3D DWG supported ?

Regards, Anatoly

Forum supervisor's picture

Hello Anatoly,

We propose also interfaces to DXF, ACIS SAT/SAB, Parasolid X_T / X_B formats – see this page.

We can also offer the data exchange interfaces by Datakit, together with the services for their integration into your software.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Best regards,

Forum supervisor

Anatoly Vivchar's picture

http://www.datakit.com/en/conversion-plug-ins/open-cascade-15.html is interesting but how use this ? Do you have classes similar to StepReader, writer to use them in program code ?

Forum supervisor's picture

Yes Anatoly,

The components by Datakit can also be provided as SDKs that you can link to your application.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Best regards,

Forum supervisor

Anatoly Vivchar's picture

>> The components by Datakit can also be provided as SDKs that you can link to your application.

Where possible to download them ? I did not find anything except their applications :( 

Do You plan to make classes to read/save SolidWork (*.SLDPRT) and some more very usage formats, in the future ?

Forum supervisor's picture

Dear Anatoly,

Using Datakit data exchange interfaces provides Open CASCADE Technology based applications and solutions with the additional capability of reading and writing numerous required CAD formats, including SolidWorks.

You can contact us to precise your project needs and agree our development and delivery services. 

Best regards,

Forum supervisor

jahnavi_133876's picture


ActCAD is based on IntelliCAD 8.4a and 3D ACIS Technology. It is is a 2D Drafting and 3D Modeling CAD. ActCAD supports native DWG and DXF file formats.  


​You click on Download link, you can see our software and you can use 15 days trial period.

bini.sara_150031's picture

Hi all, 

Could anyone please help me with some queries?

What is the file format of the 3D object being viewed on opencascade? Are all the parts different and externally attached to create a single model, or are they all in a single file and then attached internally itself?