I would like to use XCAF to develop STEP viewer but i could not find XCAFResources folder, any one can tell about it please
Rob Bachrach Thu, 04/12/2007 - 15:39
There is no XCAFResuources folder. There are two folders you should be interested in. Both are located under the ros/src directory of your OCC install.
StdResource (set by the CSF_XCAFDefaults environment variable) contains the GUIDs for the XCAF plugins (mostly used by DRAW).
XSTEPResource (set by the CSF_STEPDefaults environment variable) contains the default settings for shape healing and tolerances used when reading the STEP file. For each healing step:
0 - do not perform
1 - perform
-1 - perform only of deemed necessary
Thu, 04/12/2007 - 15:39
There is no XCAFResuources folder. There are two folders you should be interested in. Both are located under the ros/src directory of your OCC install.
StdResource (set by the CSF_XCAFDefaults environment variable) contains the GUIDs for the XCAF plugins (mostly used by DRAW).
XSTEPResource (set by the CSF_STEPDefaults environment variable) contains the default settings for shape healing and tolerances used when reading the STEP file. For each healing step:
0 - do not perform
1 - perform
-1 - perform only of deemed necessary
I hope this helps.
Fri, 08/24/2007 - 09:45
Is there a resource file when reading IGES files ?
Also as u say for reading STEP files, how and when this file can
be used in the source code level ?