
I would like to use XCAF to develop STEP viewer but i could not find XCAFResources folder, any one can tell about it please

Rob Bachrach's picture

There is no XCAFResuources folder. There are two folders you should be interested in. Both are located under the ros/src directory of your OCC install.

StdResource (set by the CSF_XCAFDefaults environment variable) contains the GUIDs for the XCAF plugins (mostly used by DRAW).

XSTEPResource (set by the CSF_STEPDefaults environment variable) contains the default settings for shape healing and tolerances used when reading the STEP file. For each healing step:
0 - do not perform
1 - perform
-1 - perform only of deemed necessary

I hope this helps.

P G's picture

Is there a resource file when reading IGES files ?

Also as u say for reading STEP files, how and when this file can
be used in the source code level ?
