| ViewerTest_EventManager (const Handle< V3d_View > &aView, const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &aCtx) |
| Main constructor.
virtual | ~ViewerTest_EventManager () |
| Destructor.
const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > & | Context () const |
| Return interactive context.
Standard_Boolean | ToPickPoint () const |
| Returns TRUE if picking point mode has been enabled (for VPick command).
void | StartPickPoint (const char *theArgX, const char *theArgY, const char *theArgZ) |
| Start picking point for VPick command.
virtual bool | UpdateMouseScroll (const Aspect_ScrollDelta &theDelta) override |
| Update mouse scroll event.
virtual bool | UpdateMouseClick (const Graphic3d_Vec2i &thePoint, Aspect_VKeyMouse theButton, Aspect_VKeyFlags theModifiers, bool theIsDoubleClick) override |
| Handle mouse button click event.
virtual bool | UpdateMouseButtons (const Graphic3d_Vec2i &thePoint, Aspect_VKeyMouse theButtons, Aspect_VKeyFlags theModifiers, bool theIsEmulated) override |
| Handle mouse button press/release event.
virtual void | KeyDown (Aspect_VKey theKey, double theTime, double thePressure=1.0) override |
| Release key.
virtual void | KeyUp (Aspect_VKey theKey, double theTime) override |
| Release key.
virtual void | ProcessExpose () override |
| Redraw the View on an Expose Event.
virtual void | handleViewRedraw (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) override |
| Handle redraw.
virtual void | ProcessConfigure (bool theIsResized=true) override |
| Resize View.
virtual void | ProcessInput () override |
| Handle window input event immediately (flush input buffer).
void | ProcessKeyPress (Aspect_VKey theKey) |
| Handle KeyPress event.
virtual void | OnSubviewChanged (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theOldView, const Handle< V3d_View > &theNewView) override |
| Callback called on Selection of another (sub)view. This method is expected to be called from rendering thread.
Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient |
| Standard_Transient () |
| Empty constructor.
| Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &) |
| Copy constructor – does nothing.
Standard_Transient & | operator= (const Standard_Transient &) |
| Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter.
virtual | ~Standard_Transient () |
| Destructor must be virtual.
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & | DynamicType () const |
| Returns a type descriptor about this object.
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
| Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type.
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
| Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName.
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
| Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism.
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
| Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism.
Standard_Transient * | This () const |
| Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero.
Standard_Integer | GetRefCount () const noexcept |
| Get the reference counter of this object.
void | IncrementRefCounter () noexcept |
| Increments the reference counter of this object.
Standard_Integer | DecrementRefCounter () noexcept |
| Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value.
virtual void | Delete () const |
| Memory deallocator for transient classes.
| AIS_ViewController () |
| Empty constructor.
virtual | ~AIS_ViewController () |
| Destructor.
const AIS_ViewInputBuffer & | InputBuffer (AIS_ViewInputBufferType theType) const |
| Return input buffer.
AIS_ViewInputBuffer & | ChangeInputBuffer (AIS_ViewInputBufferType theType) |
| Return input buffer.
const Handle< AIS_AnimationCamera > & | ViewAnimation () const |
| Return view animation; empty (but not NULL) animation by default.
void | SetViewAnimation (const Handle< AIS_AnimationCamera > &theAnimation) |
| Set view animation to be handled within handleViewRedraw().
void | AbortViewAnimation () |
| Interrupt active view animation.
const Handle< AIS_Animation > & | ObjectsAnimation () const |
| Return objects animation; empty (but not NULL) animation by default.
void | SetObjectsAnimation (const Handle< AIS_Animation > &theAnimation) |
| Set object animation to be handled within handleViewRedraw().
bool | ToPauseObjectsAnimation () const |
| Return TRUE if object animation should be paused on mouse click; FALSE by default.
void | SetPauseObjectsAnimation (bool theToPause) |
| Set if object animation should be paused on mouse click.
bool | IsContinuousRedraw () const |
| Return TRUE if continuous redrawing is enabled; FALSE by default. This option would request a next viewer frame to be completely redrawn right after current frame is finished.
void | SetContinuousRedraw (bool theToEnable) |
| Enable or disable continuous updates.
AIS_RotationMode | RotationMode () const |
| Return camera rotation mode, AIS_RotationMode_BndBoxActive by default.
void | SetRotationMode (AIS_RotationMode theMode) |
| Set camera rotation mode.
AIS_NavigationMode | NavigationMode () const |
| Return camera navigation mode; AIS_NavigationMode_Orbit by default.
void | SetNavigationMode (AIS_NavigationMode theMode) |
| Set camera navigation mode.
float | MouseAcceleration () const |
| Return mouse input acceleration ratio in First Person mode; 1.0 by default.
void | SetMouseAcceleration (float theRatio) |
| Set mouse input acceleration ratio.
float | OrbitAcceleration () const |
| Return orbit rotation acceleration ratio; 1.0 by default.
void | SetOrbitAcceleration (float theRatio) |
| Set orbit rotation acceleration ratio.
bool | ToShowPanAnchorPoint () const |
| Return TRUE if panning anchor point within perspective projection should be displayed in 3D Viewer; TRUE by default.
void | SetShowPanAnchorPoint (bool theToShow) |
| Set if panning anchor point within perspective projection should be displayed in 3D Viewer.
bool | ToShowRotateCenter () const |
| Return TRUE if rotation point should be displayed in 3D Viewer; TRUE by default.
void | SetShowRotateCenter (bool theToShow) |
| Set if rotation point should be displayed in 3D Viewer.
bool | ToLockOrbitZUp () const |
| Return TRUE if camera up orientation within AIS_NavigationMode_Orbit rotation mode should be forced Z up; FALSE by default.
void | SetLockOrbitZUp (bool theToForceUp) |
| Set if camera up orientation within AIS_NavigationMode_Orbit rotation mode should be forced Z up.
bool | ToAllowTouchZRotation () const |
| Return TRUE if z-rotation via two-touches gesture is enabled; FALSE by default.
void | SetAllowTouchZRotation (bool theToEnable) |
| Set if z-rotation via two-touches gesture is enabled.
bool | ToAllowRotation () const |
| Return TRUE if camera rotation is allowed; TRUE by default.
void | SetAllowRotation (bool theToEnable) |
| Set if camera rotation is allowed.
bool | ToAllowPanning () const |
| Return TRUE if panning is allowed; TRUE by default.
void | SetAllowPanning (bool theToEnable) |
| Set if panning is allowed.
bool | ToAllowZooming () const |
| Return TRUE if zooming is allowed; TRUE by default.
void | SetAllowZooming (bool theToEnable) |
| Set if zooming is allowed.
bool | ToAllowZFocus () const |
| Return TRUE if ZFocus change is allowed; TRUE by default.
void | SetAllowZFocus (bool theToEnable) |
| Set if ZFocus change is allowed.
bool | ToAllowHighlight () const |
| Return TRUE if dynamic highlight on mouse move is allowed; TRUE by default.
void | SetAllowHighlight (bool theToEnable) |
| Set if dragging object is allowed.
bool | ToAllowDragging () const |
| Return TRUE if dragging object is allowed; TRUE by default.
void | SetAllowDragging (bool theToEnable) |
| Set if dynamic highlight on mouse move is allowed.
bool | ToStickToRayOnZoom () const |
| Return TRUE if picked point should be projected to picking ray on zooming at point; TRUE by default.
void | SetStickToRayOnZoom (bool theToEnable) |
| Set if picked point should be projected to picking ray on zooming at point.
bool | ToStickToRayOnRotation () const |
| Return TRUE if picked point should be projected to picking ray on rotating around point; TRUE by default.
void | SetStickToRayOnRotation (bool theToEnable) |
| Set if picked point should be projected to picking ray on rotating around point.
bool | ToInvertPitch () const |
| Return TRUE if pitch direction should be inverted while processing Aspect_VKey_NavLookUp/Aspect_VKey_NavLookDown; FALSE by default.
void | SetInvertPitch (bool theToInvert) |
| Set flag inverting pitch direction.
float | WalkSpeedAbsolute () const |
| Return normal walking speed, in m/s; 1.5 by default.
void | SetWalkSpeedAbsolute (float theSpeed) |
| Set normal walking speed, in m/s; 1.5 by default.
float | WalkSpeedRelative () const |
| Return walking speed relative to scene bounding box; 0.1 by default.
void | SetWalkSpeedRelative (float theFactor) |
| Set walking speed relative to scene bounding box.
float | ThrustSpeed () const |
| Return active thrust value; 0.0f by default.
void | SetThrustSpeed (float theSpeed) |
| Set active thrust value.
bool | HasPreviousMoveTo () const |
| Return TRUE if previous position of MoveTo has been defined.
const Graphic3d_Vec2i & | PreviousMoveTo () const |
| Return previous position of MoveTo event in 3D viewer.
void | ResetPreviousMoveTo () |
| Reset previous position of MoveTo.
bool | ToDisplayXRAuxDevices () const |
| Return TRUE to display auxiliary tracked XR devices (like tracking stations).
void | SetDisplayXRAuxDevices (bool theToDisplay) |
| Set if auxiliary tracked XR devices should be displayed.
bool | ToDisplayXRHands () const |
| Return TRUE to display XR hand controllers.
void | SetDisplayXRHands (bool theToDisplay) |
| Set if tracked XR hand controllers should be displayed.
virtual void | KeyFromAxis (Aspect_VKey theNegative, Aspect_VKey thePositive, double theTime, double thePressure) override |
| Simulate key up/down events from axis value. Default implementation updates internal cache.
AIS_WalkDelta | FetchNavigationKeys (Standard_Real theCrouchRatio, Standard_Real theRunRatio) |
| Fetch active navigation actions.
const Aspect_VKeySet & | Keys () const |
| Return keyboard state.
Aspect_VKeySet & | ChangeKeys () |
| Return keyboard state.
const AIS_MouseGestureMap & | MouseGestureMap () const |
| Return map defining mouse gestures.
AIS_MouseGestureMap & | ChangeMouseGestureMap () |
| Return map defining mouse gestures.
const AIS_MouseSelectionSchemeMap & | MouseSelectionSchemes () const |
| Return map defining mouse selection schemes.
AIS_MouseSelectionSchemeMap & | ChangeMouseSelectionSchemes () |
| Return map defining mouse gestures.
double | MouseDoubleClickInterval () const |
| Return double click interval in seconds; 0.4 by default.
void | SetMouseDoubleClickInterval (double theSeconds) |
| Set double click interval in seconds.
virtual void | SelectInViewer (const Graphic3d_Vec2i &thePnt, const AIS_SelectionScheme theScheme=AIS_SelectionScheme_Replace) |
| Perform selection in 3D viewer. This method is expected to be called from UI thread.
virtual void | SelectInViewer (const NCollection_Sequence< Graphic3d_Vec2i > &thePnts, const AIS_SelectionScheme theScheme=AIS_SelectionScheme_Replace) |
| Perform selection in 3D viewer. This method is expected to be called from UI thread.
virtual void | UpdateRubberBand (const Graphic3d_Vec2i &thePntFrom, const Graphic3d_Vec2i &thePntTo) |
| Update rectangle selection tool. This method is expected to be called from UI thread.
virtual void | UpdatePolySelection (const Graphic3d_Vec2i &thePnt, bool theToAppend) |
| Update polygonal selection tool. This method is expected to be called from UI thread.
virtual bool | UpdateZoom (const Aspect_ScrollDelta &theDelta) |
| Update zoom event (e.g. from mouse scroll). This method is expected to be called from UI thread.
virtual bool | UpdateZRotation (double theAngle) |
| Update Z rotation event.
virtual bool | UpdateMousePosition (const Graphic3d_Vec2i &thePoint, Aspect_VKeyMouse theButtons, Aspect_VKeyFlags theModifiers, bool theIsEmulated) override |
| Handle mouse cursor movement event. This method is expected to be called from UI thread.
bool | PressMouseButton (const Graphic3d_Vec2i &thePoint, Aspect_VKeyMouse theButton, Aspect_VKeyFlags theModifiers, bool theIsEmulated) |
| Handle mouse button press event. This method is expected to be called from UI thread. Default implementation redirects to UpdateMousePosition().
bool | ReleaseMouseButton (const Graphic3d_Vec2i &thePoint, Aspect_VKeyMouse theButton, Aspect_VKeyFlags theModifiers, bool theIsEmulated) |
| Handle mouse button release event. This method is expected to be called from UI thread. Default implementation redirects to UpdateMousePosition().
Aspect_VKeyMouse | PressedMouseButtons () const |
| Return currently pressed mouse buttons.
Aspect_VKeyFlags | LastMouseFlags () const |
| Return active key modifiers passed with last mouse event.
const Graphic3d_Vec2i & | LastMousePosition () const |
| Return last mouse position.
float | TouchToleranceScale () const |
| Return scale factor for adjusting tolerances for starting multi-touch gestures; 1.0 by default This scale factor is expected to be computed from touch screen resolution.
void | SetTouchToleranceScale (float theTolerance) |
| Set scale factor for adjusting tolerances for starting multi-touch gestures.
virtual void | AddTouchPoint (Standard_Size theId, const Graphic3d_Vec2d &thePnt, Standard_Boolean theClearBefore=false) override |
| Add touch point with the given ID. This method is expected to be called from UI thread.
virtual bool | RemoveTouchPoint (Standard_Size theId, Standard_Boolean theClearSelectPnts=false) override |
| Remove touch point with the given ID. This method is expected to be called from UI thread.
virtual void | UpdateTouchPoint (Standard_Size theId, const Graphic3d_Vec2d &thePnt) override |
| Update touch point with the given ID. If point with specified ID was not registered before, it will be added. This method is expected to be called from UI thread.
bool | HasTouchPoints () const |
| Return TRUE if touches map is not empty.
virtual bool | Update3dMouse (const WNT_HIDSpaceMouse &theEvent) override |
| Process 3d mouse input event (redirects to translation, rotation and keys).
virtual void | ProcessFocus (bool theIsActivated) override |
| Handle focus event. Default implementation resets cached input state (pressed keys).
virtual void | ProcessClose () override |
| Handle window close event. Default implementation does nothing.
virtual void | ResetViewInput () |
| Reset input state (pressed keys, mouse buttons, etc.) e.g. on window focus loss. This method is expected to be called from UI thread.
virtual void | UpdateViewOrientation (V3d_TypeOfOrientation theOrientation, bool theToFitAll) |
| Reset view orientation. This method is expected to be called from UI thread.
virtual void | FlushViewEvents (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, Standard_Boolean theToHandle=Standard_False) |
| Update buffer for rendering thread. This method is expected to be called within synchronization barrier between GUI and Rendering threads (e.g. GUI thread should be locked beforehand to avoid data races).
virtual void | HandleViewEvents (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
| Process events within rendering thread.
virtual void | OnSelectionChanged (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
| Callback called by handleMoveTo() on Selection in 3D Viewer. This method is expected to be called from rendering thread.
virtual void | OnObjectDragged (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, AIS_DragAction theAction) |
| Callback called by handleMoveTo() on dragging object in 3D Viewer. This method is expected to be called from rendering thread.
virtual bool | PickPoint (gp_Pnt &thePnt, const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Graphic3d_Vec2i &theCursor, bool theToStickToPickRay) |
| Pick closest point under mouse cursor. This method is expected to be called from rendering thread.
virtual bool | PickAxis (gp_Pnt &theTopPnt, const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const gp_Ax1 &theAxis) |
| Pick closest point by axis. This method is expected to be called from rendering thread.
virtual gp_Pnt | GravityPoint (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
| Compute rotation gravity center point depending on rotation mode. This method is expected to be called from rendering thread.
virtual void | FitAllAuto (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
| Modify view camera to fit all objects. Default implementation fits either all visible and all selected objects (swapped on each call).
virtual void | handleViewOrientationKeys (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
| Handle hot-keys defining new camera orientation (Aspect_VKey_ViewTop and similar keys). Default implementation starts an animated transaction from the current to the target camera orientation, when specific action key was pressed. This method is expected to be called from rendering thread.
virtual AIS_WalkDelta | handleNavigationKeys (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
| Perform navigation (Aspect_VKey_NavForward and similar keys). This method is expected to be called from rendering thread.
virtual void | handleCameraActions (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const AIS_WalkDelta &theWalk) |
| Perform immediate camera actions (rotate/zoom/pan) on gesture progress. This method is expected to be called from rendering thread.
virtual void | handleMoveTo (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
| Perform moveto/selection/dragging. This method is expected to be called from rendering thread.
bool | toAskNextFrame () const |
| Return TRUE if another frame should be drawn right after this one.
void | setAskNextFrame (bool theToDraw=true) |
| Set if another frame should be drawn right after this one.
bool | hasPanningAnchorPoint () const |
| Return if panning anchor point has been defined.
const gp_Pnt & | panningAnchorPoint () const |
| Return active panning anchor point.
void | setPanningAnchorPoint (const gp_Pnt &thePnt) |
| Set active panning anchor point.
virtual void | handlePanning (const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
| Handle panning event myGL.Panning.
virtual void | handleZRotate (const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
| Handle Z rotation event myGL.ZRotate.
double | MinZoomDistance () const |
| Return minimal camera distance for zoom operation.
void | SetMinZoomDistance (double theDist) |
| Set minimal camera distance for zoom operation.
virtual void | handleZoom (const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Aspect_ScrollDelta &theParams, const gp_Pnt *thePnt) |
| Handle zoom event myGL.ZoomActions. This method is expected to be called from rendering thread.
virtual void | handleZFocusScroll (const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Aspect_ScrollDelta &theParams) |
| Handle ZScroll event myGL.ZoomActions. This method is expected to be called from rendering thread.
virtual void | handleOrbitRotation (const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const gp_Pnt &thePnt, bool theToLockZUp) |
| Handle orbital rotation events myGL.OrbitRotation.
virtual void | handleViewRotation (const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, double theYawExtra, double thePitchExtra, double theRoll, bool theToRestartOnIncrement) |
| Handle view direction rotation events myGL.ViewRotation. This method is expected to be called from rendering thread.
virtual void | handleXRInput (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const AIS_WalkDelta &theWalk) |
| Perform XR input. This method is expected to be called from rendering thread.
virtual void | handleXRTurnPad (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
| Handle trackpad view turn action.
virtual void | handleXRTeleport (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
| Handle trackpad teleportation action.
virtual void | handleXRPicking (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
| Handle picking on trigger click.
virtual void | handleXRHighlight (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
| Perform dynamic highlighting for active hand.
virtual void | handleXRPresentations (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
| Display auxiliary XR presentations.
virtual Standard_Integer | handleXRMoveTo (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const gp_Trsf &thePose, const Standard_Boolean theToHighlight) |
| Perform picking with/without dynamic highlighting for XR pose.
double | EventTime () const |
| Return event time (e.g. current time).
virtual | ~Aspect_WindowInputListener () |
double | EventTime () const |
| Return event time (e.g. current time).
const Aspect_VKeySet & | Keys () const |
| Return keyboard state.
Aspect_VKeySet & | ChangeKeys () |
| Return keyboard state.
bool | PressMouseButton (const Graphic3d_Vec2i &thePoint, Aspect_VKeyMouse theButton, Aspect_VKeyFlags theModifiers, bool theIsEmulated) |
| Handle mouse button press event. This method is expected to be called from UI thread. Default implementation redirects to UpdateMousePosition().
bool | ReleaseMouseButton (const Graphic3d_Vec2i &thePoint, Aspect_VKeyMouse theButton, Aspect_VKeyFlags theModifiers, bool theIsEmulated) |
| Handle mouse button release event. This method is expected to be called from UI thread. Default implementation redirects to UpdateMousePosition().
Aspect_VKeyMouse | PressedMouseButtons () const |
| Return currently pressed mouse buttons.
Aspect_VKeyFlags | LastMouseFlags () const |
| Return active key modifiers passed with last mouse event.
const Graphic3d_Vec2i & | LastMousePosition () const |
| Return last mouse position.
bool | HasTouchPoints () const |
| Return TRUE if touches map is not empty.
const Aspect_TouchMap & | TouchPoints () const |
| Return map of active touches.
float | Get3dMouseTranslationScale () const |
| Return acceleration ratio for translation event; 2.0 by default.
void | Set3dMouseTranslationScale (float theScale) |
| Set acceleration ratio for translation event.
float | Get3dMouseRotationScale () const |
| Return acceleration ratio for rotation event; 4.0 by default.
void | Set3dMouseRotationScale (float theScale) |
| Set acceleration ratio for rotation event.
bool | To3dMousePreciseInput () const |
| Return quadric acceleration flag; TRUE by default.
void | Set3dMousePreciseInput (bool theIsQuadric) |
| Set quadric acceleration flag.
const NCollection_Vec3< bool > & | Get3dMouseIsNoRotate () const |
| Return 3d mouse rotation axes (tilt/roll/spin) ignore flag; (FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) by default.
NCollection_Vec3< bool > & | Change3dMouseIsNoRotate () |
| Return 3d mouse rotation axes (tilt/roll/spin) ignore flag; (FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) by default.
const NCollection_Vec3< bool > & | Get3dMouseToReverse () const |
| Return 3d mouse rotation axes (tilt/roll/spin) reverse flag; (TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) by default.
NCollection_Vec3< bool > & | Change3dMouseToReverse () |
| Return 3d mouse rotation axes (tilt/roll/spin) reverse flag; (TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) by default.
virtual bool | update3dMouseTranslation (const WNT_HIDSpaceMouse &theEvent) |
| Process 3d mouse input translation event.
virtual bool | update3dMouseRotation (const WNT_HIDSpaceMouse &theEvent) |
| Process 3d mouse input rotation event.
virtual bool | update3dMouseKeys (const WNT_HIDSpaceMouse &theEvent) |
| Process 3d mouse input keys event.