Elements for Understanding the Bending and Cyclic Fatigue Behavior of Endodontic Instruments

Publication source: 
J. Mater. Eng. Perform., vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 3943–3952, 2022
Publication authors: 
Charlotte Gou?dard, Laurent Pino, S?bastien Petit, Ga?l Bourbouze, Luc Saint-Sulpice, Reza Arbab-Chirani, Shabnam Arbab-Chirani, Val?rie Chevalier
Scope of application: 
Geometry Modeling
Organizations of authors: 
University of Bretagne Occidentale, Ecole Nationale d’Ing?nieurs de Brest, Liberal Practice, Centre de Ressources Techniques (CRT), LaTIM-INSERM UMR 1101
Year of publication: