MANTA: un code HPC g?n?raliste pour la simulation de probl?mes complexes en m?canique

Publication source: 
CSMA 2022 15?me Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, May 2022
Publication authors: 
O. Jamond, N. Lelong, A. Fourmont, J. Bluth?, M. Breuze, P. Bouda, G. Brooking, F. Drui, A. Epalle, O. Fandeur, G. Folzan, T. Helfer, F. Kloss, G. Latu, A. Motte, C. Nahed, A. Picard, R. Prat, I. Rami?re, M. Steins, B. Prabel
Scope of application: 
Computing methodologies
Organizations of authors: 
Universit? Paris-Saclay, CEA, DES/IRESNE/DEC/SESC, Onera — The French Aerospace Lab
Year of publication: