AIS_InteractiveContext selection higlight line thickness

I want to change selection highlight style to use thicker line.

I tried:

Handle(Prs3d_Drawer) localSelectionStyle = myDocument3d->getContext()->SelectionStyle();
Handle(Prs3d_LineAspect) aspect = new Prs3d_LineAspect(Quantity_NOC_BLACK, Aspect_TOL_DOT, 5);

myDocument3d->getContext()->SetHighlightStyle(Prs3d_TypeOfHighlight_LocalSelected, localSelectionStyle);


but had no succsess.

I this even possible?

Win Holzapfel's picture

Hi Taneli,

We had a potentially related issue when setting line widths as detailed in this post

Try setting your OpenGL context to compatibility mode if possible, as a workaround. Unfortunately this won't work with most OpenGL ES implementations.