Sat, 11/23/2024 - 21:05
I am trying to implement the translation of a box using an AIS_Manipulator in my Qt application and I am encountering several issues.
The first one: after I click on the box to select it, I am assigning the manipulator, but myManipulator->HasActiveMode() is always returning false for some reason.
Here is my code:
void ViewerWidget::init() { gp_Ax2 anAxisManipulator; myManipulator = new AIS_Manipulator(anAxisManipulator); // No rotation and no scaling myManipulator->SetPart(0, AIS_ManipulatorMode::AIS_MM_Rotation, Standard_False); myManipulator->SetPart(1, AIS_ManipulatorMode::AIS_MM_Rotation, Standard_False); myManipulator->SetPart(2, AIS_ManipulatorMode::AIS_MM_Rotation, Standard_False); myManipulator->SetPart(0, AIS_ManipulatorMode::AIS_MM_Scaling, Standard_False); myManipulator->SetPart(1, AIS_ManipulatorMode::AIS_MM_Scaling, Standard_False); myManipulator->SetPart(2, AIS_ManipulatorMode::AIS_MM_Scaling, Standard_False); } // Create the box void ViewerWidget::makeBox() { TopoDS_Shape aTopoBox = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(50.0, 50.0, 50.0).Shape(); Handle(AIS_Shape) anAisBox = new AIS_Shape(aTopoBox); anAisBox->SetColor(Quantity_NOC_AZURE); myContext->SetMaterial(anAisBox, Graphic3d_NOM_STONE, Standard_True); myContext->Display(anAisBox, Standard_True); } void ViewerWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { myContext->MoveTo(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y(), myView, Standard_True); myContext->SelectDetected(); Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) selected = myContext->FirstSelectedObject(); if (selected) { // Detach the manipulator if it was already attached if (myManipulator->IsAttached()) myManipulator->Detach(); // Attach the manipulator to the selected object myManipulator->Attach(selected /*, anOptions*/); // Show the manipulator myContext->Display(myManipulator, Standard_True); // We want only translation myManipulator->SetPart(0, AIS_ManipulatorMode::AIS_MM_Translation, Standard_True); myManipulator->SetPart(1, AIS_ManipulatorMode::AIS_MM_Translation, Standard_True); myManipulator->SetPart(2, AIS_ManipulatorMode::AIS_MM_Translation, Standard_True); // Enable the translation myManipulator->EnableMode(AIS_ManipulatorMode::AIS_MM_Translation); qDebug() << "myManipulator->HasActiveMode(): " << myManipulator->HasActiveMode(); // <--- HasActiveMode() is always returning false qDebug() << "myManipulator->IsAttached(): " << myManipulator->IsAttached(); // <--- returns true qDebug() << "myManipulator->ActiveMode(): " << myManipulator->ActiveMode(); // <--- always returns zero } }
Tue, 12/31/2024 - 02:29
Any update on this?
I am wondering why is myManipulator->ActiveMode() always returning zero, even after calling myManipulator->EnableMode(AIS_ManipulatorMode::AIS_MM_Translation);
Is that a bug?
Maybe someone can share a code sample that uses a gizmo to move around a cube? That would help.
Fri, 01/24/2025 - 11:03
Lol, my friend, maybe you need add this code:
If you haven't add this code, ActiveMode() will not catch any operations. (This trap stuck me a few days)