AIS_PointCloud How to change scale of points


When i use an AIS_PointCloud with his points and his PointAspect() with a variable scale

Standard_Real pointSize {10.0};
Prs3d_PointAspect* pt = new Prs3d_PointAspect(Aspect_TypeOfMarker::Aspect_TOM_POINT, c, pointSize);
pAisCloud->Attributes()->SetPointAspect(aspect); // pAisCloud is my AIS_PointCloud

But this doesn't work, the pointSize (or scale) never changed, it seems to be 1 in the viewer.
However My aspect is well taken, in debug i get the right scale when i recover it.

Maybe someone have a solution to change the scale of those points.

PS : It work when i use a AIS_Shape instead of a AIS_PointCloud.


gkv311 n's picture

It might sound awkward, but AIS_PointCloud applies shading aspect instead of point aspect.

Handle(AIS_PointCloud) aPntSet = ...;
aPntSet->Attributes()->ShadingAspect()->Aspect()->SetMarkerScale (5.0f);
Bonnaud Nathan's picture

It work well.
