dynamic highlight second order elements

hello forum,
the elements (face or volume) of a first order mesh are efficiently highlighted when detected:
see Fig.01: the mouse position is indicated by the black arrow.

When the mesh is converted into a second order one, by adding midside nodes (and
redefining each mesh element), the highlight mechanism seems to fail:
this is obviously because of an error I did in programming.
See Fig.02: an "undefined" element is highlighted, that "seems" to be at the interior.

Any idea?
Grazie mille

Giovanni Bettega's picture

I checked the issue and I confirm it. See pictures:
the surface mesh is second order.
When the mouse is in "P" an element which has nothing to
share whit the one under the mouse is highligted.
The "green" element is not defined into the mesh data sources
(its nodes are, but the sequence of nodes not)
