Highlighting a selection of a STEP file by name

I am trying to determine the best way to highlight a section of the model programmatically using the name. I can iterate through the shapes and read the names of the nodes. So I can determine at match on the label but I cannot figure out how to highlight said label. When I find the match, I have tried getting the location and it is returning 0,0,0. So it doesn't seem like the shape that I am matching is displayed.

My current code:

      Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool) aShapeTool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::ShapeTool (myDoc->Document()->Main());

      TDF_LabelSequence aLabels;
      for (Standard_Integer aLabIter = 1; aLabIter <= aLabels.Length(); ++aLabIter)
        const TDF_Label& aLabel = aLabels.Value (aLabIter);
          TCollection_AsciiString aName;
                Handle(TDataStd_Name) aNodeName;
                if (aLabel.FindAttribute (TDataStd_Name::GetID(), aNodeName))
                  aName = aNodeName->Get(); // instance name
                if (aName.IsEmpty())
                  TDF_Label aRefLabel;
                  if (XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetReferredShape (aLabel, aRefLabel)
                   && aRefLabel.FindAttribute (TDataStd_Name::GetID(), aNodeName))
                    aName = aNodeName->Get(); // product name
      if (aName.IsEqual("Seat")) {
          // add select here
          // need to figure out how to get the corresponding ais_interactiveobject to highlight

What is the best way to highlight based on passing in the name of the section of the model?