Not able to create instance for RWGltf_CafReader class

I am trying to create the instance of the "RWGLtf_CafReader" class, but it is giving the following issues

RWGLtf_CafReader reader; (This line I am using to create the instance of "RWGLtf_CafReader" class).

1.:-1: error: CMakeFiles/temp.dir/main.cpp.o: warning: relocation against `_ZTV16RWGltf_CafReader' in read-only section `.text._ZN16RWGltf_CafReaderD2Ev[_ZN16RWGltf_CafReaderD5Ev]'

2. /home/pts/Documents/Temp projects/temp/main.cpp:6: error: undefined reference to `RWGltf_CafReader::RWGltf_CafReader()'

3. /home/pts/Documents/Temp projects/temp/RWGltf_CafReader.hxx:25: error: undefined reference to `vtable for RWGltf_CafReader'

Could you please let me know, how I should fix this issue? (I have also attached the screenshot).

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Hello, is it your custom project?

Did you link TKDEGLTF? And other dependecies libs?

CMake sample for link to lib: DE_Wrapper-Sample/src/CoreDE/CMakeLists.txt at main · dpasukhi/DE_Wrapper-Sample (

CMake sample to link to exe: DE_Wrapper-Sample/src/ConsoleCPP/CMakeLists.txt at main · dpasukhi/DE_Wrapper-Sample (

Best regards, Dmitrii.

Swapnil Vikhe's picture

Including TKDEGLTF, resolved the issues.

Swapnil Vikhe's picture

One more question,
which dll is used for the "RWGltf_CafWriter" class?

also, tell me how to check which dll is useful for which class.

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Hello, reference manual can help you. But looks like there are not for 7.8.0. The difference - cad related things splited into specific.
Open CASCADE Technology: Open CASCADE Technology
I will request to update that. Probably it will be ready in the next week.

Best regards, Dmitrii/

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

For now you can build by yourself (Open CASCADE Technology: Build Documentation)

Best regards, Dmitrii.