Tue, 05/07/2024 - 20:59
When using AIS_PointCloud with SM_SubsetOfPoints, you can select individual points through a box or polygon selection and getting the indices of the selected points as follows:
Handle(SelectMgr_EntityOwner) aSelOwner = myAISContext->SelectedOwner(); Handle(AIS_PointCloudOwner) hPointCloudOwner = Handle(AIS_PointCloudOwner)::DownCast(aSelOwner); if (!hPointCloudOwner.IsNull()) { Handle(AIS_PointCloud) hPointCloud = Handle(AIS_PointCloud)::DownCast(aSelOwner->Selectable()); Handle(TColStd_HPackedMapOfInteger) hSelectedPoints = hPointCloudOwner->SelectedPoints(); const TColStd_PackedMapOfInteger& rMap = hSelectedPoints->Map(); Standard_Integer NPointsSelected = 0; const Handle(Graphic3d_ArrayOfPoints) hArrayOfPoints = hPointCloud->GetPoints(); TColStd_PackedMapOfInteger::Iterator anIter(rMap); for (; anIter.More(); anIter.Next()) { NPointsSelected++; Standard_Integer IndexOfSelectedPoint = anIter.Key(); } }
I would like to select points in the point cloud programmatically and update the view with the programmatically selected points.
How can this be done?