Mon, 06/10/2024 - 11:54
Hello community. I have a last problem for my OpenCascade 3D viewer.
I have a shape (a rectangle) composed of two faces, one for the front face and one for the back face.
I managed my shape like this because I have to draw different materials on the each face and need to be able to select independently the front and the back face.
I apply textured materials (PBR) on each face using the XCAFDoc_VisMaterialTool class. Everything is OK for this point.
The problem is that now, I need to apply different textures scale for each material.
I only found the "SetTextureScaleUV" function on XCAFPrs_AISObject so I can apply texture scaling, but it always apply to the whole object and I couldn't find a way to apply it on each face independently.
Is there a tip I can use to achieve my goal ?
Thank you very much for your answer.